Costume-Con 35 (CC35): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC35-H-01a: Angels Mission: 18th Century

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CC35-H-01a: Angels Mission: 18th Century | Division: Novice | Category: Historical Interpretation | Designer(s): Kathy McPherson, Olivia McPherson, and Jackie Robertson | Maker(s): Kathy McPherson, Olivia McPherson, and Jackie Robertson | Presenter(s): Kathy McPherson, Olivia McPherson, and Jackie Robertson | Source: the 1970's Charlie's Angels dolls. | Documentation Award(s): Honorable Mention, Novice (Photo ID: Alex Kung | Event Date: 2017)

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Costume-Con 35 (CC35): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC35-SF-01a: All Hail the Queen

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CC35-SF-01a: All Hail the Queen | Division: Journeyman | Category: Recreation | Designer(s): Catherine Danielle | Maker(s): Catherine Danielle | Presenter(s): Catherine Danielle (Photo ID: Alex Kung | Event Date: 2017)

Competition Staff & Rules (more…)

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