Costume-Con 26 (CC26): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC26-H-01a: Sway

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CC26-H-01a: Sway | Division: Master | Category: Hist. Interpretation | Designer(s): Nora Mai | Maker(s): Nora Mai | Presenter(s): Nora Mai | Additional Award(s): Directors Special Award for Attention to Detail (CD artwork) (Photo ID: Richard Man | Event Date: 2008)

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Costume-Con 26 (CC26): Parallel Dimensions in Design Contest Gallery

CC26-DD-01a-WA: Lost and Found

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CC26-DD-01a-WA: Lost and Found | Category: Art to Wear | Designer(s): Julia Ann Hyll | Maker(s): Julia Ann Hyll | Presenter(s): Julia Ann Hyll (Photo ID: Jade Falcon Photography | Event Date: ©Copyright 2008)

Competition Staff & Rules (more…)

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Costume-Con 26 (CC26): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC26-SF-01a: Edna Mode

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CC26-SF-01a: Edna Moder | Division: Master | Designer(s): Bridget Landry | Maker(s): Bridget Landry | Presenter(s): Samantha Briant | Presentation Award(s): Best Young Fan Made by Mom (Photo ID: Richard Man | Event Date: 2008)

Competition Staff & Rules (more…)

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