Costume-Con 15 (CC15): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

CC15-SP-01: Asantewa - African Queen (HA)

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CC15-SP-01: Asantewa - African Queen (HA) | Category: Single Pattern | Designer(s): Barb Schofield | Maker(s): Barb Schofield | Presenter(s): Catherine Leeson | Presentation Award(s): Most Elegant | Additional Award(s): Also won $64 worth of Costume-Connections patterns (Photo ID: Ken Warren #1-9 | Event Date: 1997)

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Costume-Con 15 (CC15): Future Fashion Design Competition / Dimensions in Design Fashion Show Gallery and Rules

CC15-FS-01: "In Purr-ple, I Look Stunning" (A Centauri Tribble)

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CC15-FS-01: "In Purr-ple, I Look Stunning" (A Centauri Tribble) | Designer(s): Robert Jan | Maker(s): Sandy Pettinger | Presenter(s): Carried by Jess Miller (Photo ID: Ken Warren #7-31 | Event Date: 1997)

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Costume-Con 15 (CC15): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC15-H-01: Can You Dig It - Roman Arts and Artifacts

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CC15-H-01: Can You Dig It - Roman Arts and Artifacts | Division: Young Fan/Junior | Category: Hist. Interpretation | Designer(s): Odyssey of the Mind - The Super Seven from Clifton Elementary: Tim Cooke, Matthew Bell, Jill Lasus and Robin Lasus | Maker(s): Odyssey of the Mind - The Super Seven from Clifton Elementary: Tim Cooke, Matthew Bell, Jill Lasus and Robin Lasus | Presenter(s): Odyssey of the Mind - The Super Seven from Clifton Elementary: Tim Cooke, Matthew Bell, Jill Lasus and Robin Lasus | Presentation Award(s): Best Educational (Photo ID: Ken Warren #10-33 | Event Date: 1997)

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Costume-Con 15 (CC15): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC15-SF-01a: King Kong

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CC15-SF-01a: King Kong | Division: Young Fan/Junior | Category: Media Interpretation | Designer(s): Laurel Cunningham-Hill | Maker(s): Laurel Cunningham-Hill | Presenter(s): Zachary Hill with Richard Hill | Presentation Award(s): Best Use of Daddy as a Prop | Additional Award(s): The Sick Pups Spazzy Award (for "the costume displaying the sickest humor") (Photo ID: Ken Warren #3-28 | Event Date: 1997)

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Costume-Con 15 (CC15): Themed Hall Costume Competition Gallery and Rules

CC15-PUN: Xena: Warrior Milkmaids

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CC15-PUN: Xena: Warrior Milkmaids | Designer(s): "Cowlisto, the Evil Archvillian (Cheralyn Lambeth), Calphrodite, Goddess of Love, Milk, and Honey (Angelique Trouvere), Xena Warrior Milkmaid (Helen Madden), Gabby, the Swiss Miss (Deb Fuller), and The King of Graze Land (Michael Madden)" | Maker(s): "Cowlisto, the Evil Archvillian (Cheralyn Lambeth), Calphrodite, Goddess of Love, Milk, and Honey (Angelique Trouvere), Xena Warrior Milkmaid (Helen Madden), Gabby, the Swiss Miss (Deb Fuller), and The King of Graze Land (Michael Madden)" | Presenter(s): "Cowlisto, the Evil Archvillian (Cheralyn Lambeth), Calphrodite, Goddess of Love, Milk, and Honey (Angelique Trouvere), Xena Warrior Milkmaid (Helen Madden), Gabby, the Swiss Miss (Deb Fuller), and The King of Graze Land (Michael Madden)" | Additional Award(s): Worst Pun - Hall Costumes (Photo ID: "The photo presented here belongs to Helen Madden, copyright © 1997, presented by permission" | Event Date: 1997)

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