Fashion Folio Home Folio News
Fashion Figures
Designer Showcase
How To… An Intro to the Folio
About Us
Welcome to the Future Fashion Design Center!
We are Information Central for Futuristic Fashion Design Contests, Future Fashion Folios, and everything related to them.
Future Fashion design contests and their folios have actively been in existence since the early 1970’s. From their original roots in Science Fiction conventions they have expanded into the mainstream of costume design.
This site strives to bring together a group of folk who have participated as designers, directors, artists, copy editors, organizers and judges… (i.e., everything under the sun related to these contests.) We’re here to share our years of experience and present some tips so you can join in the fun, painlessly.
Fashion Folio News & upcoming contests
Designer Showcase (Samples to give you ideas).
“Croquis” Design Tools (Figures to help you draw your designs)
Introduction: A Glossary of terms and events.
Articles and Tips to use this site
Sample Contest Rules (You can use to these rules to create your own contest)
An Explanation of why we do it this way
The latest news on Future Fashion Design events
Costume Con 39: Contest submission and judging are done. Delivery of the CC39 Fashion Folio is pending the completion of Costume-Con 40.
We’re putting up articles and examples as we have time. We’re open now to get the figures to folks. We welcome your feedback and help. Come back and watch us grow! If you’ve got something you want to add to our knowledge base, please write to us at
Original content copyright © 2001- 2010 by Alley Cat Scratch Costume. Reposted with Cat Devereaux’s blessing.
All rights reserved. See additional legal info here.