Costume-Con 33 (CC33): Friday Night and Other Social Events

Costume-Con 33 (CC33): Friday Night and Other Social Events

Event Information

Friday Night Social “Welcome to the Jazz Age” Event info

Friday Night Social: We are having so much fun putting together our Friday Night Social that you won’t be able to help enjoying yourself. The overall theme is “Welcome to the Jazz Age”. It is where you’re invited to come see the infamous “Blind Tiger”. A term taken straight from the 1920’s era of prohibition for those illegal gin joints (also referred to as a speakeasy), such establishments came into prominence in the United States between the years 1920–1933, which sets the atmosphere for this party.

We’re calling our Blind Tiger “The Pirates Cove” and in keeping with the theme, featured will be a cash bar that will serve cocktails in coffee cups in addition to a buffet.

Opening ceremonies will include an onstage sketch where you will be introduced the Con-Co Chairs and Vice Chair who are also founding members of “The Pirates of the Carolinas Costumers Guild” who will be your hosts for the evening as well as the first appearance of Miss Janet Wilson Anderson as a special Costume-Con 33 guest.

Join us as we pay homage to those post WW-I years of Prohibition, as we work to recreate the ambience of a typical 1920′s speakeasy, when the skirts were shorter, the music was hotter, and we all were (to quote a line from the Broadway show Chicago) “going to hell in a fast car, and making it Hot!”

Of course this is Costume-Con, so who knows who you might run across at this Friday Night Social. Could be anyone from a 1920′s gangster or flapper to Scarlett O’Hara-Hamilton-Kennedy-Butler, to the Pirate Captain Blackbeard himself.

Oh and BTW you will need to know the “Password” to enter.

Sunday Cotillion Event info

It Just Wouldn’t Be Southern without a Sunday Cotillion

So just for fun, we decided to keep with tradition. Not only will we have the regular events such as the Friday Night Social, both Sci-Fi/Fantasy & Historical Masquerades, Doll competition, etc., but we’re also working on our very special “Sunday Brunch and Cotillion”.

What is a cotillion you may ask? Historically families hosted grand balls in their homes to introduce their daughters. Many older homes in the south have ballrooms. However, over time the tradition developed where country clubs and other organizations took over the growing responsibility of not only hosting the party, but preparing the young girls in a social education (called a Finishing School) and also attracting the young gentleman to whom they would be introduced.

So Ladies dawn those hoop skirts, hats, white gloves and parasols, and gentlemen your finest military uniform or linen suit, and join us for Sunday morning brunch. Oh but wait! Our cotillion will be definitely slightly different in the manner that ours will not be introducing young ladies and their social graces. Ours will be for the promotion the art of creativity in costuming as one of its main features will be a special competition titled Miss Ellen’s Portieres, created and directed by Co-Chair Rob Himmelsbach.

Our current plan is to work with the hotel catering staff to put on a light Sunday Brunch as part of the Cotillion. Members who would like to enjoy the brunch at this event will be required to purchase a meal ticket for a small TBD(to be determined) fee. Tickets for the meal will be made available at Con Registration at time of check in as well as at the door on Sunday morning prior to the beginning of the event. There will also be an area of theater style seating made available for those who would like to attend the event without partaking of brunch that will not require the additional meal ticket.

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