Costume-Con 32 (CC32): Overview

Costume-Con 32 (CC32): Overview

Toronto, Ontario (Canada) (April 25-28, 2014)

Chair: Dawn McKechnie
Event Subtitle/Theme: Myths, Monsters and Legends (Pioneers)
Sponsored By: Animé North, ConBravo!, Snakes & Lattes, Con-G
Venue: The Sheraton Toronto Airport, 801 Dixon Road, Toronto, ON
Membership Fees: Starting: $65 CDN/USD; Ending: $95 CDN/USD
One Day: Adult: $35 CDN/USD (Friday), $40 CDN/USD (Saturday), $35 CDN/USD (Sunday), Free (Monday)
Evening Event passes: $10 per masquerade, at-con only
Supporting Fees: $25
– Kid in Tow* membership (Under 10): Free
– Youth* memberships (10-17): $35
– College Student w/ID at door: NA
Final Pre-Reg Membership: ~628
Attending Membership: Unknown
Friday Social: The Monster Club Social
Special Activities: Meetups, New Members’ Social, Swap Meet
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient(s): Ann Catelli

Related Data:

Main Event Images:

  • Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerade
  • Historical Masquerade
  • Future Fashion Show
  • Single Pattern Competition

Site Selection Ballot (held at Costume-Con 28):

A big thank you to everyone who voted for us at CC28 and purchased their memberships already. The startup funds are very helpful. Registration, Hotel, Members and Con Com pages have been updated. I still need to get an actual registration form up. If you’re on Facebook and don’t like us yet, there’s a link on the lower left hand corner of this page. [11 individuals were labeled as having voted in May, 2012. –CC Archivist]

Reviews/Related Websites:



  • Thursday Night New Members’ Social
  • Room Party Contest

Miscellaneous Notes:

Technical Rehearsals

For the Fantasy & Sci-Fi and Historical masquerades, there are technical rehearsals earlier in the day before each masquerade, and you must book a timeslot for your tech rehearsal. There will be tech rehearsal signup sheets at the masquerade desks. Because of the tech rehearsals, you should sign up for the masquerade at least the day before. For the Historical you can sign up before the convention.

At your tech rehearsal you will be able to choose simple lighting cues and briefly practice them with the tech crew. Generally speaking, you get about 5 – 8 minutes to show the crew how you will enter, explain any light or music cues you may have, and they’ll make notes about the colors of your costume so that it is lit in the best way possible. It’s recommended to wear or at least bring the main part of your costume to the tech rehearsal so the crew can see how it looks under the lights.

There are no technical rehearsals for the Single Pattern Competition or Future Fashion Show.

At the Masquerade

Each competition desk will be able to tell you when backstage check-in time is for their respective show. Please BE ON TIME for check-in. When you check in backstage, you will be given a running-order number (this is the order in which you’ll go onstage) and assigned to a den. Each den will have a den parent who will answer your questions, help you with costume issues, fetch water/snacks, and provide general assistance.

Each den will be called up in sequence to line up to go onstage. Please stay in your den so you’re ready when it’s your turn! Stage ninjas will guide you on and off the stage; if you have issues with vision or mobility in your costume, please notify the Masquerade Director, your den parent and the ninjas so they can help you.

For all competitions except the Historical, you will be visiting the judges backstage. In all competitions, your photo will also be taken backstage by our official photographer.

What are the judges looking for?

Having your costume judged for workmanship can be nerve-wracking! Here are some tips on what to expect and how to prepare.

  • Put your best foot forward. Make a list of the elements you’re proudest of, or things you learned, and make sure to mention/show them to the judges.
  • Please note that time may be short, so judges sometimes only have a few minutes available for each contestant.
  • Don’t put yourself down! Don’t point out your mistakes to the judges. When we get nervous we tend to get self-denigrating, but don’t fall into this trap!
  • Documentation is important, especially if you’re doing a recreation of an existing design. The judges probably won’t know what it’s supposed to look like, so photo reference is key.
  • Workmanship judges look for neatness of construction, proper fit, excellence of details, uniqueness of concept or execution, and anything else that’s exceptional. Our maxim is “Excellence Deserves Award”.

Hall Costume Contest

Costumes aren’t just for stage competitions; we also have the informal Hall Contest.

Here’s how it works: Secret judges wander the halls of the convention and give prizes to costumes that stand out as exceptional. So feel free to wear costumes during the day should you be so inclined!

Room Party Contest!

We will be running a contest for room parties – throw the most awesome party and you could win your hotel room night for FREE!! Parties will be voted on by congoers.

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