Costume-Con 29 (CC29): Program & Participants

Costume-Con 29 (CC29): Program & Participants

Schedule for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday

[Actual list is missing. This information is from the last version of the CC29 website and LiveJournal Costume-Con Community. –CC Archvist]

Costume-Con 29 Presents
The Friday Night Social

Costume Con 29
Friday Night Social

Just picture yourself, you just saw your first or fiftieth play, you’re a bit peckish but more thirsty. You are wondering what the critics are going to say about the show. Where do you go, Oh where do you go?!?!

Sardis! Latin Quarter! Or Club 21!

We, we have them all at the Friday Night social. Yes folks, a social evening of food, drinks, music and chatter.

Friday Night Social We will be in the Sky Ballroom overlooking the New York City and New Jersey city lights.

You will have the red carpet treatment like the stars including pictures taken. We will also have the Maitre D, coat check, the page boy, and of course, “the Cigar, Cigarettes, Tiparillos” girl. (Just remember this is a non-smoking hotel).

So find your finest attire in the back of the closet, make a brand new outfit or throw something together, but come on out and find out what everyone has been doing for the last year.

General Programming

Hello! This is Lisa Ashton, your Programming Director for CC29 in New Jersey.

I hope to talk to many of you in Milwaukee during CC28, about ideas for progamming for 2011. We will have 3 tracks of panels and 1 track of workshops with hands-on learning. Please seek me out if you have an idea or want to volunteer to do a demo, workshop or panels. If you are not attending the con, I want to hear from you too! Please email me . I already have a slew of ideas, and want to make it a very interactive convention. You all have such a broad spectrum of skills to share, and so many ideas to contribute.

Don’t just sit back and let us do it for you….jump right in!

See below for CC29 Program Participant Information (Updated January 4, 2011)

February 28, 2011: About workshops:

Many of the workshops will have kits available, and that for the most part they will be between $5 and $10 . It’s too complicated to have materials lists (it’s not really that kind of convention), but obviously people can bring their own needles, thread, etc, and kits will be available but are optional–that is, people can come and observe and get a handout even if they don’t want to buy a kit and actively participate.

I would like to announce that CC29 will offer two Costumer Retrospectives as part of its Programming. These have traditionally been visual presentations given by costumers who have created a significant body of work over the years. We are very pleased to announce that our two Retrospectives will be given by Rae Bradbury-Enslin, and Nora and Bruce Mai. Come see photographs of some of their legendary presentations and costumes! Hear about their costuming experience, their perspective on designing and building costumes.

Nora & Bruce Mai:

Nora Mai was President of the ICG for 3 years, chaired Costume-Con 16 and has edited 2 Future Fashion Folios (soon to be 3). She was the founding President of the St Louis Costumers Guild & has held SLCG offices on and off for nearly 20 years. A frequent contributor to the Future Fashion Folios, she started making her own Middle Eastern Dance costumes in High School because she couldn’t afford to buy them. She has been costuming for nearly four decades with experience in Historical and SF & F, and mostly does originals. She currently works as the primary photo archivist (digitizing and inventorying) for the Pat & Peggy Kennedy Memorial Library and the International Costumers Gallery.

Bruce Mai’s first “costume” was a Dalek from Doctor Who, over 25 years ago. Once he met Nora, he learned to sew. He served as President of the St. Louis Costumers Guild for 5 years and co-chaired Costume-Con 25. Currently, he is the International Costumers Gallery administrator and the video archivist for the Pat and Peggy Kennedy Memorial Library. He will also be the Future Fashion Show Director for Costume-Con 30.

Together, they enjoy exploring new techniques and styles of costuming. They also like meeting and encouraging new costumers so they have more people to play with. They received the Lifetime Achievement Award for 2010 and in the future, they plan on remaining entertaining.

Rae Bradbury-Enslin:

Rae Bradbury-Enslin is a Master-level costumer with a bit too much creative juice for her own sleep patterns. “My ‘muse’ likes to wake me up at 4a.m. with a stack of costume concepts and a pot of espresso. I hate her.” Rae got her start making spandex comic book character costumes, but quickly branched out into her own creations. Her presentation style consists of everything from gracefully elegant to Spazzie-worthy humor. She particularly enjoys the challenges of working with inexpensive fabrics and materials, using creative embellishment to bring richness and texture to her work.

Hello, you are receiving this request for contact info because we have talked about your being part of the program at CC29, or because I would LOVE to have you as a participant. The con is unable to give complimentary memberships for your participation, but I guarantee your fellow costumers will be very appreciative. Any contact info you share with me will NOT be passed to anyone without my asking your approval, nor will I call you or email you unless it is related to your participation.

Remember, YOU are the reason the Costume Cons are great or not. We want your expertise, enthusiasm, and willingness to talk about the wonderful creative things you do.

Fill out the online form here:

Or you can download a copy of the form here with additional contact and submission information: Costume-Con 29 Programming Participant Information Form (Word Document)

Costume-Con 29 Presents
Excursions and Day Trips

Costume Con 29 Excursions and Day Trips
Sights to See and Places to Eat

New York City Museums – A list of Museums that may capture your interest.

Restaurants in Manhattan – Looking for a taste of the city? Look no further.
Possible Day Trips

Here’s what we have so far for possible trips although more may be coming. Nothing is final. Days for trips are Thursday for sure but Friday and/or Monday maybe even Tuesday as well. These would be pretty much all-day trips except for Trip 2 which would be on their own. Everything is still in the planning stages.

Trip 1 – Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT) and shopping This will include going to the beading district and M&J trim, the fabric district (including Mood from Project Runway) and looking at the fabulous exhibits at FIT. We definitely want to do this tour.

Trip 2 – Shopping only – on your own The participants would be given a map on NYC shopping locations and directions on how to get back to the hotel.

Trip 3 – Museums only Go to Metropolitan Museum of Art and then to the Fashion Institute of Technology for their wonderful exhibits. May include another museum with good exhibits but won’t know what they are until we get closer to CC29.

Trip 4 – Take a Backstage Tour We are currently looking into backstage/behind-the-scenes tours. I know that that the Metropolitan Opera Guild Backstage Tours are held during the Met performance season at 3:30 pm on weekdays.

Trip 5 – NYC experience Touring the major NYC sites. This can either be done on a tour bus ($50-60 for those hop on/off buses) or else we could put something together. It all depends on what the participants want. We’d like to include the Circle line tour because that would give the best views of the city. Once it gets closer to the time, other exhibits might open up and we might be able to finalize some of the behind-the-scenes tour possibilities.

Need more information or have suggestions? Direct them to Diane Kovalcin.

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