Costume-Con 27 (CC27): Themed Hall Costume Competition Rules

Costume-Con 27 (CC27): Themed Hall Costume Competition Rules

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Hall Costume Awards Directors: Ricky Dick and Marty Gear*


Co-chair Theme Awards

The Co-Chairs, Ricky & Marty, were giving Theme Awards throughout the events. Here is the list of Theme Award Winners:

Single Pattern:

  • Anne Davenport
  • Caitlin Dick


  • Sylvie Laurin (Trixyloup Wolf)
  • Jacqui Ward

Fashion Show:

  • Sylvie Laurin (Trixyloup Wolf)
  • Amy White


  • Tarisa Walker
  • Stephanie Pool

Doll Contest:

  • Sally Fink
  • Helen St. John

Skully’s Pixie Stix Challenge ( as part of the social)

  • Thomas Atkinson
  • Dawn McKechnie

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