Costume-Con 25 (CC25): Mouse-Kerade Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 25 (CC25): Mouse-Kerade Competition Gallery and Rules

CC25-MQ-01: Big Red - May I Take Your Order Please?

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CC25-MQ-01: Big Red - May I Take Your Order Please? | Designer(s): Angela Grewe | Maker(s): Angela Grewe | Workmanship Award(s): Maidenform Award for Completeness of Underpinnings (Photo ID: Kerry Gilley | Event Date: 2007)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Karen Heim
  • Master of Ceremonies: Karen Heim
  • Judge(s): Steve Swope & Larry Mische*


Do you think the fun’s over on Monday afternoon? Of course not! If you’re planning on staying an extra day, join us Monday evening in Hospitality for the return of the Mousequerade! Do you have a stuffie that’s been begging for a chance to appear on stage? A teddy bear ready to emote as the Phantom of the Opera, or perhaps My Apocalypse Pony? Give him/her the opportunity to strut! It’s a masquerade just for them! Make them an outfit. Provide documentation if you think it would help. We will have sound (a boombox) for CDs, lights (on/off, plus a possible followspot flashlight if there is a demand). If you forget to bring music, we will have a small selection of CDs on site to choose from. If you forget to bring a stuffie, there will be a vendor in the dealer’s room.

Due to time constraints, there will not be tech rehearsal. Presentations are limited to 45 seconds (unless you have a group, in which case contact the MD). Stage size will be whatever table we can get cleared.

  • Animal must be dressed; no costume is no costume.
  • Presenter must be inconspicuous; pay no attention to the person with their hand up the mouse’s butt.
  • Costumes may be worn in the hall; they’re stuffed animals – what do they know?
  • Time limit – 45 seconds; no stage hogging!
  • Further rules TBA as they occur to us.

Held on Monday night during the Dead-Dog Party in the Hospitality Suite.


Karen Heim

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