Costume-Con 22 (CC22): Conference Committee (Concom)

Costume-Con 22 (CC22): Conference Committee (Concom)

Conference Committee:

  • Co-Chairs: Fiona Leonard, Trudy Leonard
  • Treasurer: Cynthia Crowder
  • Registration Operations: Geoffrey Brown
  • Hotel Liaison: Trudy Leonard
  • Programming: Debra Brightwell
  • Special Exhibits: Caran Wilbanks
  • Publicity: Anya Martin, Melanie Brightwell
  • Publications Committee: Trudy Leonard and Geoffrey Brown
  • Site Selection: Betsy R. Marks and Irv Koch
  • Single Pattern Contest, Technical Director: Chrism Kronick
  • Future Fashion Folio: Steve Swope and Karen Heim
  • Future Fashion and Single Pattern Show Director: Nora Mai
  • Doll Contest, Hall Costume Judging: Cathy Swope
  • SF&F Masquerade Director: Fiona Leonard
  • Historical Masquerade Director: Toni Lay‡
  • Sound Design and Operations: Bill Ritch
  • Head Ninja: Ann Catelli
  • Con Suite: Shawn Carter, Lonnie Harvel
  • Web Developers: Lonnie Harvel, Lili Bilbao and Geoffrey Brown
  • Dealers’ Room: Trudy Leonard
  • Greenroom Overseer: Byron Connell
  • Repairs Table: Tina Connell
  • Friday Night Social: Lili Bilbao
  • Security: Bill Kronick‡

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