Costume-Con 21 (CC21): Video Masquerade
No photographs and no complete list of entries available at this time. If you have photos, entry names, or awards for this competition, please contact us!

Costume-Con 21 (CC21): Video Masquerade

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Henry Osier
  • Judges: Unknown


CC21-VM-01: What’s Opera, Doc? | Category: Other | Designer(s): the CC24 in Des Moines Bid Committee | Maker(s): the CC24 in Des Moines Bid Committee


1. Video Masquerade entries can be up to five minutes in length. This includes credits, but not leader tape. A leader of at least 30 seconds is suggested.
2. Editing of entries is permitted. This includes the over-dubbing of music.
3. A maximum of four entries per entrant is permitted. Each entry must be different from the previous entry. The same people may be in multiple entries, but the entries must be different. In other words, one entry cannot be “Guy On Horse”, and the next “Guy On Horse Wearing A Cape”.
4. You must have a membership to submit an entry.
5. Judging of entries will be done in two methods. The first is by a judging committee before the convention. The second is by convention attendees during the convention. This will be done by secret voting that will close by 4:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon.
6. There is no rule six!
7. Entries must be sent to Henry Osier no later than one month prior to the start of the convention.
8. Entries must be submitted on VHS tape. Please make a master copy for yourself in case your tape is lost in the mail.
9. Include your name, address, phone number, and e-mail address when you submit your tape.
10. If you have further questions, please e-mail the Video Masquerade Producer, Henry Osier, via the CC21 website.

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