Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Single Pattern Competition Rules
No photographs and no complete list of entries available at this time. If you have photos, entry names, or awards for this competition, please contact us!

Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Single Pattern Competition Rules

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Folkwear Patterns
  • Master of Ceremonies: Unknown
  • Judge(s): Unknown


Our Single Pattern Contest, making a costume from a commercial pattern, will take place at the Friday night barbeque. Folkwear has kindly provided awards for the best interpretation of their Australian Bush Outfit pattern worn to the barbeque. You can play it straight, funny or weird.

To get a copy of the Australian Bush Outfit, contact:

E-mail: [Removed]
Cost: $US19.95 + postage and handling.

The Single Pattern Contest (Australian Bush Outfit) was held Friday evening during the Social and was judged by Folkwear Patterns. The Costume-Con Archives are missing the photos from this event.

[Miscellaneous Notes: If you have photos of the entries, please contact the Costume-Con Archivist.]

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