Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Overview

Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Overview

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (February 15-18, 2002)


Chair: Christopher Ballis
Venue: LaTrobe University (Union), Kingsbury Drive, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia 3086
Membership Fees: Starting at $60 ($100 Cdn/Aus), ending at $130 US ($160 Cdn/Aus)
One Day: NA
Evening Event passes: NA
Supporting Fees: $25 US / $35 Cdn/Aus throughout
Sponsored By: Australian Costumer’s Guild
Final Membership: Unknown
Attending Membership: Unknown
Theme: Throw Another Ken on the Barbie
Friday Social: Barbecue: “Come as Your Favourite Australian”
Special Activities: Living History Encampment
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient(s): None

Convention Committee:

  • Future Fashion Folio Editor: Gail Adams
  • Grand PooBah, Program Coordinator: Christopher Ballis
  • Threads of Time doll display: Di Cummins
  • Queen ***** of Registration: Samantha Dare
  • U.S. Banking Coordinator: Cat Devereaux*
  • Master of Ceremonies: George Ivanoff
  • Canadian Agent: Katherine Jepson
  • Queen of People Coordination: Meg Lowry
  • U.S. Publicity Manager: Kate McClure
  • Program Rounder-up-erer, Historical Costume Parade Producer: Paul Poulton
  • Medical Officer: Wendy Purcell
  • Fantasy and Science Fiction Costume Parade Director, Ambassador at Large: David Scanlon
  • Publicity and Printing Assistant: Jane Tisell
  • Overall Good Jo(e): Jo Toohey
  • Artistic Advisor: Kerri Valkova
  • Camp Counselor: Angela Vanzella

Related Data:

Main Event Images:

  • Science Fiction / Fantasy Masquerade
  • Historical Masquerade

Site Selection Ballot (held at Costume-Con 17):
* Australia: 54
* No Preference: 9
* None of the Above: 1
Total received: 64
We also received two invalid votes: one dupe and one that could not be verified as a member of the con.

Other Bids: Los Angeles, CA – withdrawn
See [url=]Bid Archive[/url] for more information

Reviews/Related Websites:

  • NA


  • Email Newsletters (1, 2, 2.1, 3, 4 & 5)

Miscellaneous Notes:
There was no Fashion Show at CC20. The Fashion Folio was delayed in printing, causing a delay in selecting designs for reproduction.

The Single Pattern Contest was held Friday evening during the Social, and was judged by Folkwear Patterns. Photos of the event are missing from the Costume-Con Archives.

There were entries in the Doll Contest, but photos and a complete list of entries and awards are missing from the Costume-Con Archives.

The Progress reports and other publications did not include the rules for the two main competitions. If you have a copy of these rules, please pass them on to the Costume-Con Archivist.

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