Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Rules
No photographs and no complete list of entries available at this time. If you have photos, entry names, or awards for this competition, please contact us!

Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Rules

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Folio: Gail Adams
  • Folio Judges: Folio: Unknown


Colonial Days

The theme for the Costume-Con 20 Future Fashion Folio is Colonial Days — any colonial days from Australia, North America, the days of the Raja, or that far-flung future we’re all waiting for.
Put yourself in the mind of early settlers, what would they need, what should they have taken? Most of all, let your mind run riot.

The CC20 Future Fashion Folio will be published in book form late in 2001, selected entries may be featured in the CC20 web site. Some entries may be selected to be realised at the convention to be held in Melbourne, Australia, in February, 2002. Winners will be judged by an international panel.

We realise that some entrants may be hesitant about having samples of their work placed on our web site and if you would prefer not to, make a note on the margin of your entry form to that effect.

What you need to do:

Entries must be drawn on an A4/quarto/business-size sheet of paper. Notes about the design can be made on the sketch or on a separate sheet. Keep your lines as clean as possible for ease of copying.

If you are concerned that your figure-drawing skills are not up to scratch, don’t worry, this is a costume design contest, not an art class. Trace a body from a magazine and place your design over that.

Do not put your name on the front of the sketch, we do not want the judges knowing who you are while they are doing their thing. Place your name and contact details on the back of each sheet you submit.

Entries must be post marked September 1, 2001. You may submit as many designs in as many categories as you wish and you may put multiple entries in the same envelope. Do not send original artwork, send copies only. You must send three copies of each design to expedite judging. Sketches will not be returned.

The competition is administered by the CC20 Committee, Gail Adams will coordinate the publication.

Legal stuff:

Costume-Con 20 reserves the right to first publication rights of all designs. The CC20 Future Fashion Folio will be the copyright property of Costume-Con 20. Individual designers will retain ownership and copyright over their own work. The decision of the judges will be final and no correspondence will be entered into. All designs must be original, never published or realised before, and the work of the entrant(s).


  • First Settlers (historical) — what they should have taken.
  • Invaders (historical) — what they should have worn.
  • Invaders (future) — create an environment and work a costume into it.
  • Governors/Overlords (historical) — perfectly dressed for their home but a sad mess in their new environs.
  • The Strumpet (future) — female or male, even alien, just what the governor called for
  • Future Rulers — what the well-dressed despot will require
  • Lady of the House (future) — who is she? That’s up to you.
  • The Financier (future) — the dude or dudette who put up the money for the settlement.
  • Open Section (past, present or future) — if none of the above will suit.

That’s it. If you have any questions, feel free to put them. Each entry must be accompanied by the official entry form set out below.

Name of Entrant(s):
Title of Design:
Contact address:

I/we, the undersigned, agree that the design submitted is my own/our own work. I/we have read and understood the rules of this competition and agree to the use and dissemination of the design in the CC20 Future Fashion Folio publication, on the CC20 web site, at Costume-Con 20, and in any publicity material authorised by Costume-Con 20. Further, I/we agree to hold Costume-Con 20 and its organizers, both severally and individually, blameless for loss or damage to entries submitted.

Full legal signature of all entrants:

Send your entry to:
CC20 Future Fashion Folio
(Address Removed)

Address queries to the above address or to (Removed)

Miscellaneous Notes: There was no Fashion Show at CC20. The Fashion Folio was delayed in printing, causing a delay in selecting designs for reproduction. Hence no pictures.

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