Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Video Masquerade
No photographs and no complete list of entries available at this time. If you have photos, entry names, or awards for this competition, please contact us!

Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Video Masquerade

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Bruce Briant*
  • Judges: Unknown


CC18-VM-01: Last Interview with a Vampire | Category: Other | Designer(s): Angel Avery and Phil Avery. Filmed and Edited by Phil Avery. Starring Angel Avery, Kris T. Klufas and Phil Avery | Maker(s): Angel Avery and Phil Avery. Filmed and Edited by Phil Avery. Starring Angel Avery, Kris T. Klufas and Phil Avery


Thank you for your interest in the Video Masquerade. As with all masquerades, the point of your presentation is your costume or costumes. However, as this is a VIDEO masquerade, please consider the following:

1. If you can do it on stage, why put it on video? What makes your presentation on videotape significantly different from a presentation of the same costume on stage, before an audience? Here are some possible reasons why:
* The costume looks better outdoors, in the dark, or in a larger space than a stage can provide.
* The costume will take longer than 30-60 seconds to show (e.g., lots of layers, or multiple transformations)
* Explosions. Blood packs. Projectile weapons being discharged. Open flames. Peanut butter. Messes.
* And last but not least, nudity (but remember, no costume is no costume).

2. Your entry will be judged on the basis of several factors, including but not limited to:
* How well/how completely your costume is shown
* Camera work and editing
* Coherency of narrative description Judges for this masquerade, as with any other, will have final control over all categories and awards given.

3. There is no minimum or maximum length, but one to five minutes, with an additional thirty (30) seconds for credits, is probably a good length to shoot for. Credits should include all the people who worked on the video as well as the major figures on-screen (if the Battle of Gettysburg is the background of your video, you need not get everyone’s name – “This video could not have been made without the assistance of the Civil War Reenactment Society” or some such notation, will do).

4. Entrants must be supporting or attending members of Costume-Con 18 but need not be present at the conference to win.

5. Unlike stage masquerades, more than one entry is permitted! And yes, you may use the same people again and again – but not the same costumes and, please, not the same video slightly restructured (i.e., no “director’s cut”).

6. Stage masquerade presentations generally have a story line or are some form of fashion show presentation. Video masquerades have more flexibility and so documentary-style entries are encouraged. Please do not use footage from other masquerades as part of your costume’s presentation – your video masquerade presentation should be unique!

7. The video must be submitted on VHS tape, U.S. format only, and be received at the Costume-Con address by April 23, 2000. This is to allow the videos to be sent to the judges before the convention so they may have the first round of judging. The judges will meet at the con to make the final decision.

8. By submitting your taped entry you are giving the Costume-Con Masquerade (and its designated representatives) permission to copy and distribute your entry for the purposes of judging and presentation at the conference. The original submitted tape becomes the property of Costume-Con 18 and all rights to the video go to Costume-Con 18 until the conclusion of the conference, at which time all rights revert to the original owner(s).

9. Please submit your entries with the following information TYPED, not handwritten, on a piece of paper (not the tape label): Title of entry, Name of entrant, Address, Phone number, E-mail address (if any). Entries lacking this information will not be considered. At least the title of the entry and name of the entrant also should appear on the label of the videotape.

10. Costume-Con 18 is NOT RESPONSIBLE for entries lost, delayed, misdirected, damaged, or destroyed by the delivery service of your choice. It is recommended that your package be marked: Magnetic Encoded Material (Video Tape) – Do Not Submit to Magnetic Fields or X-Rays – May Be Opened for Inspection.

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