Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Merchants (Dealers’ Room)

Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Merchants (Dealers’ Room)

List of Merchants/Dealers:

  • Michael Bergman, Eclectic Enterprises
  • Dina Flockhart, Cloak and Dagger Creations
  • Mary Harkless, Timeless Textiles
  • Robert Himmelsbach, Lunatyc Phrynge Chapter, ICG
  • Devra Langsam, Poison Pen Press
  • Suford Lewis, Estate of Ann Chancellor
  • Lance Oszko
  • Roberta Rogow, Other Worlds Books
  • Carol Salemi, Black Death Fire Sale and Glitz Emporium
  • Deb Salisbury, The Mantua Maker
  • T and V Willeford, Brute Force Leather
  • Mike Woodin, Jerry Ohlinger’s Movie Material Store

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