Costume-Con 17 (CC17): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 17 (CC17): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC17-SF-01: The Little Mermaid

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CC17-SF-01: The Little Mermaid | Division: Young Costumer (Parent-Made) | Category: Recreation | Designer(s): Victoria White, Gloria White and Robert White | Maker(s): Victoria White, Gloria White and Robert White | Presenter(s): Victoria White | Presentation Award(s): Catch of the Day (Photo ID: Ken Warren #3-5 | Event Date: 1999)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Bridget Landry
  • Master of Ceremonies: Elaine Mami
  • Workmanship Judge: Jacqueline M. Ward
  • Presentation Judges: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr., Sandy Pettinger, Christopher Ballis & Byron Connell


Skill Divisions

1. Young Fan: Anyone who is less than 13 years old at the time of the conference. For award purposes, this division will be subdivided into two categories – costumes made by the contestants, and costumes made for them by an adult.

2. Novice: Anyone who has won fewer than three awards for different costumes in the Novice Division in Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at the World Science Fiction Convention or at Costume-Cons.

3. Journeyman: Anyone who has won fewer than three awards for different costumes in the Journeyman Division in Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at the World Science Fiction Convention or at Costume-Cons.

4. Master: Anyone who has won three or more awards for different costumes in the Journeyman Division in the Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at the World Science Fiction Convention or at Costume-Cons; anyone who has ever won as a Master at Worldcon or Costume-Con. Professionals (those making a significant income as costumers) are strongly encouraged to enter as Masters.

Any contestant may voluntarily compete in a higher class than the one in which he or she qualifies. In a group costume, the class of the most skilled member will determine that entry’s class.

Re-creation Costumes

1. Those competitors entering re-creation costumes will compete within their appropriate skill division, but should enter on the registration form as “re-creation”. These costumes are defined as those taken from any source in which two or more views have been shown, and commonly come from (but not limited to) television, films, comics, etc. Reproduction of paintings and book covers, where only one view is shown, will not be considered re-creation.

2. Anyone entering a re-creation costume must include a photocopy of the original source or similar documentation for the judges. Please, no books original artwork, or anything else that cannot be stapled or paper clipped to your entry form.


1. Entries with up to four individuals will be limited to a maximum of 60 seconds on stage. Entries with more than four individuals will be allowed up to 90 seconds.

2. If you feel this will not be enough time to show your presentation, the masquerade director will be willing to listen to your argument and possibly allow more time. Be prepared to be VERY persuasive, however, as the masquerade director has always believed that miracles can happen and awards won in 30 seconds on stage.


1. In order to recognize the work of those costumers who put extra effort into the construction of their costumes, there will be an optional and separate workmanship competition backstage before the masquerade.

2. A contestant may enter part or all of his/her costume in the workmanship judging.

Rules thoughtfully prepared by George “Syke” Paczolt

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