Costume-Con 15 (CC15): Video Masquerade
No photographs and no complete list of entries available at this time. If you have photos, entry names, or awards for this competition, please contact us!

Costume-Con 15 (CC15): Video Masquerade

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Dan Delaney
  • Judges: Pierre Pettinger, Janet Wilson Anderson & Ken Warren


The Costume-Con Fifteen Video Masquerade:

Considering this was a new competition, we think we did fairly well with receiving two entries. Both were outstanding, and received special recognition for their pioneering efforts in producing and submitting entries to this competition. The judges (Pierre Pettinger, Janet Wilson Anderson and Ken Warren), chose not to award either entry, to allow for resubmitting to a future Video Masquerade if the contestants so desired.

The entries were:

  • Theatre 254 Beginning Costume Design & Construction – Final Projects
    Produced and submitted by Tara Maginnis
  • The Cavalier and the Faeries
    Produced and submitted by Wendy Ross (Kaufman), Tad Pierson & Dan Luxenburg


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