Costume-Con 15 (CC15): $1.98 Competition

Costume-Con 15 (CC15): $1.98 Competition

Competition Staff & Rules


  • $1.98 Contest: Pierre Pettinger & Sandy Pettinger


[Rules are not available at this time.]

Event Information:

Friday night is the time for the exciting challenge of costume creation in a short period of time. Entry forms can be found at the registration desk. We would like everyone to fill out an entry form.

The contest will begin at 8 PM. Contestants must report at this time. At that time we will go over the special rules for the contest. There will be some surprises in store.

In order to help make everyone comfortable we will be pairing team members: An experienced Costume-Con attendee with a newcomer. The teams will be announced at the briefing. One individual will be the dresser and one the wearer (at least to start.) Each team of two will be creating a costume from a pile of materials. They will have 45 minutes to finish their creation.

Each costume will then be presented for the enjoyment of the convention. To make this more interesting each presentation will have randomly selected music. Photos will also be taken. This event is intended to be fun! Come and join in!

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