Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC14-SF-01a: The Dream

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CC14-SF-01a: The Dream | Division: Master | Category: Original | Designer(s): Animal X | Maker(s): Animal X | Presenter(s): Animal X, Jessica Greco and Ron Dallas (Photo ID: Ken Warren | Event Date: 1996)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Director: Kathy Sanders
  • Master of Ceremonies: Greg Bear
  • Workmanship Judge: Astrid Anderson Bear
  • Presentation Judges: Rob Himmelsbach, Greg Sardo, Drew Sanders
  • Judge’s Clerk: Julie Zetterberg
  • Stage Manager: Twilight
  • Green Room Directors: Byron Connell, Joan Bradt, Sandy Manning
  • Lighting Setup & Control Head: Erick Stratton
  • Crew: John Mann, Robert Stratton, Diane Kepley, Ginger Stratton
  • Stage Ninja Master: Charles Keith-Stanley
  • M.C. Liaison: Qeldas Pickett
  • Photography: Ken Warren
  • Live Sound and Remix: Keith Johnson
  • Audio Assistant: Lindy Pangan
  • (Back) Stage Ninjas: Julie Porter, Judith Chapman
  • (Front) Stage Ninjas and Ushers: Erik Anderson, Kendal Copperberg, Uncle Dregi, Bruce Briant*, Elizabeth Herman
  • Runners: Qeldas Pickett
  • Cameras: Sharon Demuth, Dan Rudesill, Alan Halfhill, Joel Getschmann, Les Chin
  • Video/Technical Director: Russ Rudesill



The following rules apply to all CostumeCon 14 stage events, including the Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerade, the Historical Masquerade, and the Future Fashion Show.

* Purchased or rented costumes may not be shown in any competition.

* Costumes previously worn in the hallways at this convention are ineligible for stage competition.

* Each entrant may appear only once on stage per event. You may enter more than one costume, providing each appears on a different body.

* No live creatures, other than human, will be allowed backstage or on stage, with the exception of aid dogs needed by the entrant.

* Surprise the audience, not the masquerade director (or staff). If you are planning something “unique,” let us know in advance.

* No messy substances – wet, dry, or oily-no glitter, talc, snow, or other powders, foods, liquids, or any other substances that might ruin the costume of any other entrant are to be thrown and/or left on stage. If you are using stage blood or wearing body paint or make-up, be sure it won’t come off in casual contact with others. Do not leave anything on the stage that a gopher can’t pick up on a few seconds.

* No fire, flash paper, explosions, or open flame of any type – No Exceptions. Electronic flashes and/or camera flashcubes are permitted in costumes as long as you warn us first.

* Costumes must be self-contained. Connections to electrical outlets will not be available.

* There will be no live microphones on the stage for contestants. Music and/or dialogue must be recorded on audio-cassettes or as typed copy (25 words or less) for the MC to read.

* This is a PG-13 rated convention-no flagrant nudity, please.

The masquerade/fashion show director has full authority to eliminate anyone from the competition on the basis of taste, danger to the audience or contestants, violation of the above rules, or any other reason deemed sufficient.

There is, of course, no smoking at any CostumeCon 14 event.


SF/Fantasy Masquerade Director: Kathy Sanders

The SF/Fantasy Masquerade will be held on Saturday night in the Washington Ballroom, starting at 7 p.m. This is the competition for costumes based on fantasy, mythology, science fact or science fiction, future worlds and imaginary pasts.

To Enter:
Entry forms will be available at Registration. Complete them and return them to the “Masquerade Entry” box at Registration, by 6 p.m. on Friday. Do not turn in your audio tape (if any) at this time!

Tech rehearsals will begin at 8 a.m. Saturday to 11:30 a.m., and again at 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday. A schedule of tech rehearsals will be available at the Friday Night Social.

Late entries will be accepted until Noon on Saturday, but cannot be guaranteed a tech rehearsal.

Rules & Regulations

In order to provide costumers of different experience levels the chance to compete among peers, the skill division system will be used, with the following definitions:

* Young Fan: Anyone who is less than 13 years old at the time of the convention. For awards, entries will be divided into two categories – costumes made by the young contestants, and costumes made for them by adults.

* Novice: Anyone who has won fewer than three awards for different costumes in the Novice Division in Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at large regional conventions, the World Science Fiction Convention, or at CostumeCons.

* Journeyman: Anyone who has won fewer than three awards for different costumes in the Journeyman Division in Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at large regional conventions, the World Science Fiction Convention, or at CostumeCons; anyone who has won three times for different costumes in the Novice Division at any of the above-named conventions.

* Master: Anyone who has won three or more awards for different costumes in the Journeyman Division in the Science Fiction/Fantasy Masquerades at large regional conventions, the World Science Fiction Convention, or at CostumeCons; anyone who has ever won as a Master at Worldcon or Costume-Con. Professionals (those making a significant income as costumers) are strongly encouraged to enter as Masters.

Note: Any contestant may compete at a skill division higher than the one for which he or she qualifies. The division for group entries will be determined by the group’s most skilled member. If you are uncertain of your skill level, please check with the Masquerade Director.

Those who are entering re-creation costumes should compete within the appropriate skill division, but should enter on the registration form as “re-creation.” Re-creation costumes are those taken from any source in which one or more views of the costume have previously been shown. Such sources include (but are not limited to) book covers, paintings, movies, television, stage plays, comic strips, comic books, trading/game cards, and graphic novels.

Costumes based on your imagination, costumes inspired by (but not directly taken from) movies/TV/stage sources (for example, your vision of a Vulcan swim suit), costumes based on the text of a book, etc., are not re-creation costumes. If you are unsure about whether or not your costume is a re-creation, please check with the Masquerade Director.

Anyone entering a re-creation costume must include a photocopy of the original source or similar documentation for the judges. Please, no books, original artwork, or anything else that can’t be stapled or paper-clipped to your entry form!

Entries with up to four individuals will be limited to a maximum of 60 seconds on stage. Entries with five or more individuals will be allowed up to 90 seconds on stage. Any group that feels that a longer time limit is necessary for their presentation should discuss it with the Masquerade Director before the convention.

See also the “General Masquerade Rules” on the previous page.


The presentation awards will be based on what the presentation judges see during your time on stage. The judges will consider both your costume itself and how well it is displayed on stage. After all the contestants have appeared on stage, the judges will deliberate and determine the awards to be given to costumes of merit within each skill division.

In order to recognize the work of those costumers who put extra effort into the construction of their costume, there will be an optional — and separate — workmanship competition backstage before the masquerade.

Workmanship can include fine hand or machine sewing, electronics, papier mache, beading, tailoring, fabric dyeing or painting, quilting, metalwork, leather tooling, latex prosthetics, or other work that might not be apparent to the audience (or presentation judges) during your time on stage.

You may enter all or part of your costume for workmanship judging. The workmanship judges will want to see your work up close, and may ask you questions about your techniques, etc. Depending on your costume, and/or the workmanship element you wish to have judged, they may need to see your work before and/or after you are dressed for the masquerade.

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