Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Overview

Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Overview

Seattle, Washington (May 23-27, 1996)


Chair: Co-Chairs: Kathy Sanders, Thom Walls & Julie Zetterberg
Venue: Seattle Marriott Sea-Tac Airport
Membership Fees: Starting at $55, ending at $65
One Day: ?
Supporting Fees: $25 throughout
Final Membership: ?
Attending Membership: ?
Friday Social: The Emerald City of Oz
ICG Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Byron Connell

Convention Committee:

  • Con Chairs: Kathy Sanders, Thom Walls, Julie Zetterberg
  • Hotel Liaison: Thom Walls
  • Treasurer: Lisa Satterlund
  • Volunteer Coordinator, Conference Operations: Don Glover, the younger
  • Registration & Memberships: Marie Cooley, Payne Fifield
  • Costume Gallery, Dealer’s Room: JoAnne Kirley
  • Hospitality: Debbie Tatarek
  • Programming/Panels: Judith Smith; Assistants: Agnes Gawne, Kathleen Greco
  • Doll Contest/Exhibit: Alison Kondo
  • Hall Costume Contest, Telephone Contact: Joy Day
  • Laboratory Coordinator: Vicki Glover
  • Tours & Excursions: Kate McClure
  • Futuristic Design Contest: Fran Evans
  • Threads of Time Fashion Show: JoAnne Kirley, Richard Stephens
  • Single Pattern Contest: Janet Wilson Anderson
  • Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade, Fashion Folio Mailing, Logo Design: Kathy Sanders
  • Master of Ceremonies: Greg Bear
  • Historical Masquerade: Robbi Dyer
  • Master of Ceremonies: Payne Fifield
  • Technical Director & Masquerade Sound: Keith Johnson
  • Sound Assistants: Lindy Pangan, Rolf Mogster
  • Masquerade Lighting: Eric Stratton
  • Lighting Assistants: Diane Kepley, Ginger Stratton, John Mann, Robert Stratton
  • Masquerade Green Room: Byron Connell
  • Masquerade Repair Table: Tina Connell
  • Photo Liaison (Fan Photography): Thom Walls
  • Official Photographer: Ken Warren
  • Masquerade Video: Russ Rudesill
  • Assistants: Alan Halfhill, Danny Rudesill, Sharon Demuth
  • Transportation Coordinator: Terry Smith
  • Special Events & Socials: Marie Cooley
  • Friday Night Oz Social: Richard Stephens, Terri “Sprite” Specht
  • “Sleepless in Seattle” Party Coordinator: Pat Chase
  • Tea Dance Instructors: Julie Cheetham & Terry Cheetham
  • Publications, E-mail Contact, Web Site: Julie Zetterberg

Related Data:

Main Event Images:

  • Science Fiction / Fantasy Masquerade
  • Historical Masquerade
  • Future Fashion Design Competition/Show
  • Single Pattern Competition
  • Doll Competition [No photos available]

Reviews/Related Websites:


  • First Costume-Con Website
  • Sponsored Con Suite Parties
  • Round-table discussions on costume topics

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