Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Doll Competition Rules

Costume-Con 14 (CC14): Doll Competition Rules

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Doll Competition Coordinator: Alison Kondo
  • Presentation Judges: ?


Dredge out your dolls and dress ’em up in marvelous miniature costumes! The CostumeCon 14 Doll Exhibit & Contest is open to dolls of all sizes, shapes, and species (they don’t have to be humanoid)! Dolls may be purchased, but the doll costumes must be your design and workmanship.

Since CostumeCon 14 is located in the wonderfully wet Northwest, the theme of “Water” will be a special category for the Doll Contest this year. Anything with a remotely aquatic connection is eligible – mermaids, pirates, pearls, rain spirits, sea creatures, etc. Other award categories will depend on the number and type of entries, but may include Historical, Ethnic, Fantasy, etc. All will be judged on workmanship and design.

To enter:

The Doll Exhibit & Contest will be held in the Dealers Room in the Evergreen Ballroom, which will open at noon Friday. You may turn in your entries at any time after that, up to the deadline of noon Saturday. There will be a numbered sign-in sheet for your entry, and a box of numbered cards next to the sign in sheet. Take the card that matches the line number you signed on, and place it with your entry. Your name, the entry title and its category should be listed on a 3 x 5 card and placed with the entry.

A box will also be provided for you to submit your documentation, if any. Documentation for your entry is optional, but if you include something on your reproduction sources or design process, please limit it to about 3-4 sheets of paper. Please write your entry number on your documentation.

Judging will be scored up to 25 points: 10 for workmanship, 10 for reproduction accuracy or original design quality, depending on what is appropriate for your entry. There will be 5 bonus points for any special feature (great embroidery, etc.) the judges might want to recognize. There will be space on the judging forms for the judges to write comments, and they will be encouraged to do so. The awards will be announced during the Fashion Show on Sunday.

You may pick up your doll anytime after the Fashion Show, but it would be nice to leave it up as long as possible. After the award announcements, the judging forms (in sealed envelopes) will can be picked up in the Doll Display area. Please cross your name off the sign-in sheet when you pick up your doll, so I’ll know it has been retrieved by its owner.

Miscellaneous Notes: Awards:

* Best Historical: Pandora Made by Susan Pascoe and Judith Smith, owned by Marie Cooley
* Best Water theme (special CC14 doll theme): Lady Cela (Mermaid) by Loanne Shelton
* Best Original Doll: Forest Fairy by Loanne Shelton
* Workmanship Award (leather & beadwork): Secret People by Sparrowhawk
* Workmanship (fine hand crochet): Victorian Christening Gown by Dorothy Anderson
* Best in Show: Queen of the Night Arley Berryhill

There were 22 entries total. There is no list and there are no photos available at this time.

All winners received a prize bucket from the CC14 committee.

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