Costume-Con 9 (CC09): Publications

Costume-Con 9 (CC09): Publications

Progress Report 1, Progress Report 2, Progress Report 3, Program Book

Progress Report 1 (24 pages):

  • Inside Information (Membership Rates / Publication Dates / Advertising Rates)
  • From the Chair
  • Our Hotel
  • Travel Info
  • Main Events
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade (rules)
  • Historical Masquerade (rules)
  • Future Fashion Design Contest (rules)
  • Member Questionnaire
  • Future Fashion Show
  • Exhibits
  • Dealers’ Room
  • Friday Night Social
  • Hall Costume Contest
  • Costumed Doll Contest
  • Excursions
  • Help! (Call for volunteers)
  • The Fine Print
  • The Committee / Publishing Credits
  • Membership List
  • Advertising

Progress Report 2 (24 pages plus two full size inserts):

  • Inside Information (Membership Rates / Publication Dates / Advertising Rates)
  • From the Chair
  • Our Hotel
  • Travel Info
  • Flying In
  • Main Events (Venue, Stage Floorplan, Contestants)
  • Historical Masquerade Update (rules clarification)
  • Future Fashion Show Update
  • Help!
  • Acknowledgement (CC8)
  • General Programming
  • Exhibits
  • Weapons Policy
  • Children’s Programming
  • Dealers’ Room
  • Con Suite
  • Excursions
  • Special Events (Ron & Jeannette’s Flying Circus, Distraction Pool, Faerie Tale Theatre, Doll Contest)
  • The Committee
  • Membership List
  • Publishing Credits
  • Paid Advertising
  • The Fine Print

Progress Report 3 (16 pages):

  • Inside Information (Membership Rates / Publication Dates / Advertising Rates)
  • From the Chair
  • From the Publishers
  • What’s In a Name
  • Lost Soul Dept.
  • Hotel and Travel Information
  • How to Get Here from There (By Car, By Air, By Train)
  • General Programming (schedule)
  • A Note About Our Con Suite
  • Distraction Pool
  • Important Stage and Tech Stuff Update (LISTEN UP, PEOPLE!)
  • Photography
  • Future Fashion Show Update
  • Committee List
  • Membership List
  • Publishing Credits
  • The Fine Print

Program Book (24 pages):

  • The Committee
  • From the Chair
  • Guide to the Columbia Inn
  • Food and Drink
  • Columbia Downtown Map
  • Schedule of Events
  • Policies (Weapons, Dress and Undress)
  • Main Events (Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade, Historical Masquerade, Future Fashion Show)
  • Special Events (Friday Night Social, Faerie Tale Theatre, Doll Contest)
  • Costumers of the Eighties (articles about Kathy Sanders, Pierre and Sandy Pettinger, Jacqueline Ward, Rob Himmelsbach
  • Our Dealers
  • Fun and Games (The Con Suite, Distraction Pool)
  • International Costumers’ Guild chapters
  • Factoids (CC Bar Graph, Official Blame Chart)
  • Odds ‘n’ Ends (Bernina, Trip to G-Street, Filking, Period Dancing, Carousel Lovers, Just in Case, Volunteers On-the-Spot)
  • Membership List
  • Publishing Credits
  • The Fine Print
  • Paid Advertising

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