Costume-Con 9 (CC09): Doll Competition Rules

Costume-Con 9 (CC09): Doll Competition Rules

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Doll Competition Directors: Sharon Landrum & Deborah Feaster (Sears)*
  • Presentation Judges: ?


Whether you attend the convention or not, you may submit one or more costumed dolls for the Doll Contest. Non-convention members may submit dolls, but will be charged $5.00 per doll entered. All dolls submitted must be costumed in original garments; purchased doll clothes are not eligible. Dolls themselves may be purchased or made. costumes may be historical, SF/Fantasy, ethnic or any type you choose.

You may submit documentation (photocopies, photos, etc., but no original material} with your doll. In addition to awards in each category, judges may award prizes for workmanship, originality, authenticity or other categories as they see fit.

Dolls may be brought to the convention or mailed in advance. We can not accept dolls by mail that weigh over 10 lbs. or are larger than 36″ in height. For your information: the Post Office suggests that return receipts be sent both ways, as well as insuring the contents both ways. We will mail your dolls back to you, if you provide sufficient postage. All dolls will be on display throughout the convention. If your doll does not stand on its own, please provide support stands as well. For information and entry forms, write:

CC9 Doll Contest
[Address Removed]

[No photos of this event. If you have photos, please contact the Costume-Con Archivist.]

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