Costume-Con 7 (CC07): Publications

Costume-Con 7 (CC07): Publications

Progress Report 0, Progress Report 1, Progress Report 2, Progress Report 3, Program Book, Other Publications

Progress Report 0 (4 pages):

  • List of main events/activities
  • Hotel and Facilities
  • Costume Competitions
  • Future Fashion Show
  • Programming
  • Friday Night Social (20’s Speakeasy)
  • Our Committee
  • Room Rates
  • Membership Rates

Progress Report 1 (28 pages):

  • Our Hotel and Its Facilities / Artist Credits
  • The Masquerades (General Rules, Fantasy & Science Fiction Masquerade Rules, Historical Rules)
  • Future Fashion Design Contest (Rules, Scenario)
  • Hall Costume Awards
  • Mask Competition
  • Costumed Doll Competition
  • The Program
  • Exhibits
  • The Friday Night Party
  • Membership Roster
  • Call for Volunteers
  • Art Needed
  • Questionnaire
  • Our Committee
  • Hotel Room Rates
  • Convention Membership Rates

Progress Report 2 (16 pages):

  • The Whole Costumer’s Catalogue
  • Future Fashion Show Venue Change
  • Doll Competition Update
  • Program Update
  • Exhibits Update
  • Volunteers – Second Call
  • Stage and Room Layouts
  • Documentation for the Historical Masquerade
  • Dealers’ Room Update
  • Art Still Needed
  • Membership Roster
  • Hotel Room Rates
  • Convention Membership Rates
  • Advertising Rates/Publication Schedule

Progress Report 3 (16 pages):

  • Membership Roster
  • Additional Notes and Comments on CC7 Masquerades
  • Photography
  • How to Reach the Hotel (By car, by air, by rail, by bus)
  • Hotel Reservations
  • Share a Room/Share a Ride
  • Hall Costume Competition
  • Third Call for Volunteers
  • Documentation for the Historical Masquerade
  • Video Tapes
  • Committee Members
  • Art Still Needed
  • Advertising Rates
  • Membership Roster
  • Convention Membership Rates
  • Paid Advertising

Program Book (28 pages, 8.5×11″ format):

  • Our Committee
  • Art Credits
  • The Genesis and Evolution of Costume-Con (article)
  • It Seems Like Yesterday (article)
  • Convention Rules (Hotel Regulations, The Masquerades (common rules), Fantasy & Science Fiction Masquerade Rules, Historical Masquerade Rules)
  • With a Capital “C” (article)
  • “Ya Gotta Laugh a Little…” (article)

Other publications:

  • Costume Con 7 Video Program (a summary of items on the Masquerade tapes available from 3D Video)
  • Pocket Program
  • Exhibit Program

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