Costume-Con 3 (CC03): Fashion Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 3 (CC03): Fashion Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Fashion Folio Director: Sally Fink
  • Fashion Folio: Kathryn Mayer
  • Fashion Show: Marty Gear‡ & Pam Faint
  • Master of Ceremonies: Marty Gear‡

Rules: Fashion Folio

(The rules are missing from the Archives – the information below is the data included in PR 2.)

Rules: Fashion Show

The Fashion Show is still open for prospective models to choose designs and make them for the show! In the interest of trying to get as much of the Fashion Folio made up as possible, I have extended the model deadline to: April 15, 1985.

Of course, I hope you don’t wait THAT long, but if you think you can make up a fashion design in six weeks… Please
note that of this writing almost 2/3 of the Folio is still available to models. The designers have chosen from their designs and have left many lovely outfits for the rest of you. (Note: many men’s designs are still available and the show needs men!)

To reiterate the important guidelines for models from the Folio

1. Contact me by mail no Islet than April 15, 1985. Include your name, address, phone number, a SASE and a recent full length photo of yourself.

2. List the two or three designs you most wish to execute for the show in order of preference. List the colors you intend to use.

3. Once your design choice has been approved, send me fabric swatches so I can coordinate the Fashion Show.

4. Models are responsible for making and paying for the materials for the costume they construct for the Fashion

5. Fashion Show designs MAY NOT be entered in either of Costume Con 3’s masquerades nor worn as hall costumes before the Fashion Show.

Thanks to all of you who entered the Fashion Design Contest and congratulations to Fran Evans of North Hollywood, California, who was the winner of the free membership and room nights drawing. And thanks for all the nice comments we’ve been receiving on the Folio itself — it was a lot of work but we are all very pleased with the finished product — we’re glad you are too!

A final note: There will be a models’ meeting at Balticon for all who can attend. You will be notified by mail as to particulars.

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