Costume-Con 1 (CC01): Publications

Costume-Con 1 (CC01): Publications

Progress Report 1, Progress Report 2, and Program Book

Progress Report 1 (Total Pages: 16):

  • General Information (Attending/Supporting Memberships, Converting, Refunds)
  • Publications List/Ad Rates
  • Our Committee
  • From the Chair (“Why a costumers convention?”)
  • About Our Hotel
  • Our Mascot
  • Programming (Panels, Dealers, Exhibits, Friday Social, Fantasy and Science Fiction Masquerade, Regency Dancing, Fashion Show/Banquet, Historical Ball)
  • Basic Schedule
  • Fashion Design Contest Rules
  • While You’re Here
  • Historical Masquerade Rules
  • Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade Rules
  • About the Guild
  • Membership List

Progress Report 2 (Total Pages: 18):

  • General Information (as above)
  • Our Committee
  • From the Chair
  • Programming (Social, Masquerades, Panels, Fashion Show, Banquet)
  • Artist Credits
  • The Catalogue
  • Science Fiction & Fantasy Masquerade (Rules, Registration, Panels, Photographers, Awards)
  • Historical Masquerade Rules
  • Statistics from the Denvention II Masquerade
  • Rotslers Rules Revisited
  • Sound Off (CostumApa Advertisement)
  • New Members

Program Book Contents (Total pages: 24):

  • Table of Contents
  • Costume-Con #, Dates, Hotel, City and State
  • Chairman’s Welcome
  • Program Schedule (by room and by hour)
  • Hotel Map
  • S.F. & Fantasy Masquerade Rules
  • Historical Masquerade Rules
  • Exhibits
  • CostumApa ad
  • Panelist Bios
  • Where to Eat
  • Members (complete as of printing)

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