Costume-Con 1 (CC01): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 1 (CC01): Historical Masquerade Gallery and Rules

CC01-H-01a: Parti-Colored Italian Renaissance Court Gown

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CC01-H-01a: Parti-Colored Italian Renaissance Court Gownl | Designer(s): Barbara Podell | Maker(s): Barbara Podell | Presenter(s): Barbara Podell | Presentation Award(s): Honorable Mention (Photo ID: | Event Date: 1983)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Historical Masquerade Director: Adrienne Martine-Barnes*
  • Master of Ceremonies: Adrienne Martine-Barnes*
  • Presentation Judges: Peggy Kennedy*, Marty Gear*, Jan Bigglestone


1. Any costume of any country of any historical period is eligible for competition,, except as specified under the exclusions below.

2. Costumes will be judged on historical accuracy, appearance, appropriateness of materials, workmanship, and detailing.

3. Contestants are asked to supply a typewritten description of any detailing which is hidden from view (corsets, petticoats, quilting, crinolines, smocking, etc.) for the judges. If you are doing some kind of costume from an obscure culture or period (Cambodian Temlpe (sic) Dancer, Aztec Priest, T’ang Dynasty Judge, etc.) contestants are encouraged to supply a line drawing or two drawn from the original source material, along with any written material which seems appropriate, typed on an 8.5 x 11″ sheet of paper. Descriptions should not exceed one hundred words.

4. No presentation shall exceed 60 seconds except for groups of four or more. (You may add one minute for each four people in the group. So; 8 people, two minutes; 12 people, three minutes, etc.)

5. No contestant will be permitted the use of the microphone. All verbiage must be pre-taped, so learn how to lip-sync or forget it. All music must be pre-taped on standard cassette tapes only.


A. No costume may compete if it has won a prize at a Worldcon or a major regional convention (Westercon, Boskone etc.) We welcome the wearing of past winners, but not in competition.

B. No costume worn in the Science-Fiction and Fantasy Ball may be retitled and entered. (You cannot wear your Tudors on Saturday as Titania and again on Sunday as a set of 1585 Elizabethans.)

C. Fantasy costumes which are historical in nature (Quinyin, Athena, Titania, Hanuman the Monkey God etc.) are eligable (sic) to compete in the Historical Ball, as long as they have not competed in the other ball. (This if for you ambitious and/or indecisive types who want to have your cake, eat it, and toss it in someone’s face.)

D. No rented costumes; no purchased costumes made by professional theatrical makers (Western Costume, Rudi’s etc.)

E. No peanut-butter, flash paper, smoke bombs, etc.

F. No combat, (sword fighting, karate, etc.) except by previous arrangement. (This means I want to see the routine before-hand, though not in costume, assure myself of its safety. You bleed on my stage – I break all your arms, legs, and wings.)

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