Costume-Con 25 (CC25): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery

Costume-Con 25 (CC25): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery

CC25-FS-00: Edna Mode (Your MC)

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CC25-FS-00: Edna Mode (Your MC) | Designer(s): Unknown | Maker(s): Aurora Celeste | Presenter(s): Aurora Celeste (Photo ID: Kerry Gilley | Event Date: 2007)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Folio: Nora Mai
  • Future Fashion Show Director: Henry Osier
  • Master of Ceremonies: Aurora Celeste
  • Presentation Judges: Kevin Roche and Andy Trembley


Future Fashion Folio

Thank you for your interest in the CC25 Future Fashion Folio.

We have a few rules (all contests do) that you’ll need to read over before submitting your designs. We hope to have a wide variety of designers & designs so…

Submit early, submit often!

Also, please e-mail any questions you may have to: [Removed]

Please don’t try to call us with any questions, all e-mails will be answered promptly.

The CC25 Folio team are: Karen Heim, Nora Mai & Steve Swope. This will allow for plenty of creativity, confusion & open-communication.

CC 25 Future Fashion Folio Competition Rules & Submittal Guidelines

Disclaimer: Many of our rules are typical & the same as have been used every year for Costume-Con. There are some significant changes, addition & definitions that you’ll need to pay attention to – they are italicized throughout and in most cases marked with ***. Please pay attention to these as they may be new to you even if you’ve participated in past Folios. We admit to being heavily influenced by the CC24 rules & thank Pierre & Sandy for outlining things so clearly.

1. All designs must be ORIGINAL IDEAS. You can draw your designs on a traced figure or have someone else draw it for you, but the design must be original. Please give credit to anyone who helps you. Need croquis (figures to draw on)? Try these sites:
[COMING SOON TO Costume-ConNections!]

2. Designs may be submitted three ways:
i. Hard copy (aka: the old-fashioned way, on paper); all designs must be on white 8.5″ x 11″ (or A4) paper, photocopied *(not scanned & printed from your home computer), black & white line art.*
ii. On CD; you may scan your designs at home & put the files on a disk. *You may use any image format you desire, scanned at no less than 300 dpi & no more than 600 dpi. Use the same definition of line art as for hard copies.*
iii. *By e-mail; you may send your designs as attachments to an e-mail. One design (with text file) per e-mail, JPEGs only between 300 & 600 dpi. Again use our standard definition of line art.*
Submit these to:
iv. *Definition: Line art – black ink on white background; not pencil, no shading, no colors. Include sufficient room around the image so the design doesn’t run into the margins.
See item #5 below for labeling & text file requirements & item #6 for naming conventions.

3. DO NOT SEND US ORIGINAL ARTWORK. All designs should be photocopies or some graphic format.

4. You may, and we encourage you to, submit designs in color. But we require a black & white line art copy of your design for reproduction in the Fashion Folio. Please make sure your drawings are neat and will reproduce well. This includes electronic format drawings. (See Definition: Line art 2.iv above) If you do send us color versions DO NOT use anything that requires spray fixative or that may smear, smudge, stick or flake off on other people’s drawings.

5. Labeling & text file requirements
i. Your name and address MUST be marked clearly on the back of EACH AND EVERY design sheet submitted; include the design’s name if it has one. Designs usually have descriptions which should include any appropriate information to help a maker construct the design; please put each description on a separate sheet, also labeled on the back.
ii. If you submit your design on a CD please include the descriptions in .txt or .rtf format with your name and address as well as the name and description of your design; again one file per description not all in one. Also write your name on the CD in permanent ink
iii. *If you submit your design by e-mail please include the description in .txt or .rtf format with your name and address as well as the name and description of your design. Remember – one design with description per e-mail.*
iv. In all cases, your e-mail address & phone number are helpful.

6. Naming Conventions for the Designs: Number entries consecutively on the back in the upper right hand corner.
Example: if you submit 4 designs, they should be numbered as follows: “#1 of 4”, “#2 of 4” etc. Color versions should be numbered “Color #1 of 4”, etc.
If you are submitting on CD each drawing file should be named “1 of 4 name of design.jpg”, “2 of 4 name of design.jpg” and so forth. The text files for each design should be named “1 of 4 name of design text.(txt or rtf)”.
*Use the same method on e-mails – but Remember – one design with description per e-mail.*

7. Enter as many designs as you wish and as often as you wish PRIOR TO THE DEADLINE OF August 15, 2006.

8. Identify the source of your inspiration (if any) on the back or in the text portion of your design.

9. Special Categories: We have three special design categories with special prizes. Please indicate that you wish to be considered for a Special Category on the back of your design. All entries for these categories are eligible for the Folio in general.
i. Rock & Roll, part II – sponsored by Nora & Bruce Mai. In keeping with the “Hell Freezes Over” Rock & Roll theme (again) we’re looking for designs inspired by the music of the Rock & Roll era. Winning designs might include: Best Glam-Rock, Best Classic Rock, Best Hair-Band look, Best Punk, Best Group, you get the idea. There will be more than one winner in this category. The winners will receive a cash prize & special commemorative gift.
ii. I Shall Wear Purple… With a Red Hat! (Inspired by the poem “Warning” by Jenny Joseph) – sponsored by Cathy Swope. The costuming community is long overdue in addressing this quintessential area of fashionable expression. The successful designer will create a “costumer’s red hat” design. It may incorporate any historical or futuristic design elements desired, in any combination. The only restriction is that the main color of the ensemble must be purple, except for the hat, which must be predominantly red. Prizes will be suitably whimsical and eccentric.
P.S. We don’t care if you’re old, or a woman! Design away!
iii. Best Use of the Color Orange – sponsored by Larry Mische & Ramona Taylor. Orange must be the dominant color (70%, any/all shades of orange). No other parameters. $25 cash prize.

10. Your designs will not be returned unless you request it AND have also included a Stamped Self-Addressed Envelope of SUFFICIENT SIZE and with SUFFICIENT POSTAGE on it with your designs.

11. By submitting your designs to Costume-Con 25 you agree to the non-profit use & publication of said designs by Costume-Con 25 prior to & during the run of the conference and to their reproduction for the Fashion Show. All rights revert back to the designer after the conference.

12. Designers: If you wish to make up one of your designs you may indicate that to us in your descriptive text. If that design is a winner you will be automatically listed as making it for the show. After the folio is published, designers will have first option on their designs. As in all CC25 stage events, you can make any number of designs, but you may appear on stage only once.

13. You do not have to be a member of Costume-Con 25 to submit designs, but you do have to be an attending member to make up a design and enter it in the Fashion Show. Designers of designs selected for publication will receive a copy of the Folio even if they are not members of the Convention.

Contact & Mailing Information

Please snail-mail designs to:
Nora Mai

Larry Mische* & Ramona Taylor awarded two awards for Fashion Folio Designs using the color orange.

How to Reserve a Design for the Future Fashion Show

The Fashion Show of The Future will be held on Sunday, April 2nd, 2007, as part of Costume-Con 25. I hope you would like to participate by creating one of the fabulous designs that make up the Future Fashion Folio.

The Fashion Show of The Future will be run in the style of a Runway Fashion Show. There will be a rehearsal at CC25 prior to the Fashion Show. At the rehearsal, participants will be given simple instructions in how to achieve the Runway Model Look. Please check the Programming Schedule at the Convention for times.

To join the show, please follow these simple directions.

1) Designers have the first choice of their own designs. Designs that have already been reserved by their creator are marked as such. If they have not already reserved one of their own designs, Designers may reserve one of their designs upon receipt of their Folio.

2) All remaining designs that have not been reserved by their Designer are available for CC25 members to choose.

3) To assure fairness, no reservations will be accepted by the Future Fashion Director until 15 days after the postmark date on your folio – which means Monday, October 30, 2006 {coincidentally 1 day before rates go up for membership}. (The Folio was mailed on Saturday, October 14, 2006 but 15 days hits a Sunday.) NOTE: This waiting period is waived for Designers.

4) When submitting a request, please select three designs and indicate your order of preference. If your first choice has already been reserved, your second choice will be reserved for you. If that is taken, your third choice will be reserved for you. If all three have been reserved by other people, I will notify you promptly.

5) For your convenience, reservation of designs may be made via regular mail or electronic mail. However, e-mail requests will be held for an extra week to allow regular mail requests to arrive. Reservations may not be made by phone, text message, or instant messaging. {However, reservations requests can be made by carrier pigeon, semaphore, Aldis Lamp, or Air Ship.}

6) When making a reservation for a design, please include your name, mailing address, phone number and e-mail address (if available). If you know your CC25 Membership number, please include that, as well.

7) Requests will be honored in order of their postmark date or e-mail date and time. Remember, though, e-mail requests will be held for an extra week to allow regular mail requests to arrive.

8) You may make up more than one design for the Fashion Show, but you may only appear on stage once. You must have another person(s) to wear the additional design(s). If you need assistance finding a model, whether you are a designer or not, please contact me about this. It is preferable if you could locate your own because it will make fitting the garment much easier.

9) Requests for a second design will be considered after the primary requests have been honored. If you wish to only create one design, please inform me of that when you submit your reservation request.

I will send you confirmation of your design reservation via either postal mail or e-mail. Please inform me of your preference. This will allow you the maximum amount of time to purchase material and accessories and construction time.

Some designs may have color renderings which will be available upon request. I will ask for a small fee for copying and postage if you are unable to receive electronically via e-mail. Designs that are available in color are so marked.

For Future Fashion Show Info contact:

Henry Osier

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