Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Publications

Costume-Con 20 (CC20): Publications

Email Newsletters (1, 2, 2.1, 3, 4, 5), Progress Report 1, Progress Report 2, Program Book

Email Newsletter 1:

  • The Future Fashion Folio Design Contest
  • Other Publications and Advertising
  • Panels, Workshops and Other Activities at the Convention
  • Dealer/Trader/Huckster Stalls
  • Registration and Pricing
  • Sponsor
  • Newsletter Delivery Options
  • Contact Info
  • Service Mark Notice

Email Newsletter 2:

  • Venue and Accommodation (big news!)
  • More on panels, workshops and other activities at the convention
  • Single Pattern Contest sponsored by Folkwear
  • Friday Night Barbeque: Come as Your Favorite Australian
  • Win Folkwear Goodies
  • Future Fashion Folio: Colonial Days
  • Publications and Advertising
  • Camp Costume 2 (ACG event in October, 2002)
  • Other Costume-Cons
  • Expo Market (Dealers/Traders/Hucksters and Braggarts)
  • Contact address changes
  • Registration and pricing
  • Sponsor
  • Newsletter Delivery Options
  • Contact Info
  • Service Mark Notice

Email Newsletter 2.1:

  • Venue and Accommodation (additional special information)
  • Travel to CC20
  • Special Events for Travelers
  • Sponsor
  • Newsletter Delivery Options
  • Contact Info
  • Service Mark Notice

Email Newsletter 3:

  • Program highlights
  • Venue and Accommodation (additional special information)
  • Travel to CC20
  • Sponsor
  • Newsletter Delivery Options
  • Contact Info
  • Service Mark Notice

Email Newsletter 4:

  • Accommodation (and Travel)
  • Program Highlights (including those you must book for)
  • Travel to CC20
  • Single Pattern Contest (judging during Friday Night Social)
  • Costume Parades/Masquerades
  • Other Costume Opportunities (Single Pattern and Fashion Show: Friday night)
  • “Threads of Time” Doll Contest
  • LRP, Live-Action Role Playing
  • Sponsor
  • Newsletter Delivery Options
  • Contact Info
  • Service Mark Notice

Email Newsletter 5:

  • Accommodation (Booking)
  • Travel to CC20
  • Program Highlights (including those you must book for)
  • Single Pattern Contest: Friday night)
  • Dealers and Traders Information and Advertising
  • Future Fashion Folio Special Update
  • Sponsor
  • Newsletter Delivery Options
  • Contact Info
  • Service Mark Notice

The Costume-Con Archives do not have a copy of Progress Report 1. A Bid / Presupporting Membership Form is part of the Archives.
Progress Report 2 (8 pages):

  • Table of Contents
  • Time is Creeping Up
  • Contact Information
  • Official Support
  • Language Guide
  • Buy “Ophelia” Pins
  • “Come as Your Favorite Australian” Banquet (Friday Night Social)
  • Sponsor Airlines
  • Expo Market (Dealers’ Room)
  • Future Fashion Folio
  • Call for Papers (Programming)
  • Costume Parades (Masquerades) / Costume Parade Staff (Wanted)
  • Venue
  • Members
  • Join Us (Application)

Program Book (18 pages, A4, unknown binding)

  • Table of Contents
  • Copyright statement
  • Service Mark Notice
  • Chairman’s Message
  • Rules of Conduct (Access, Children, Identification Tag, Mobile Phones, Photography, Smoking, Theft, Weapons, Penalties)
  • Things to find nearby, food and supplies
  • Who to blame (Committee List)
  • Who to thank (Acknowledgements)
  • Participants (Re-Enactors)
  • Costume-Con 23 (Site Selection)
  • Program Notes (Site Map, Workshop Fees/Workshops, Panels)
  • Our Campsite
  • Future Fashion Folio
  • Paid Advertising

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