Costume-Con 6 (CC06): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 6 (CC06): Doll Contest Gallery and Rules

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Doll Contest: Animal X


For the Costume Con 5 Doll Contest, we asked for — and got! — imagination. The dolls included paper cutouts, hand-made stuffed animals and cloth dolls, hand-painted and fired porcelain figurines, and “real kids played with these.” We had recreations, authentic historicals, and even humorous entries. Some of the dolls even had entire wardrobes!

Having seen the variety that a doll contest can encompass, this year we will not have pre-designated categories. Appropriate categories will be decided by the judges, just like in a regular masquerade. There will be a Best-In-Show, of course.

You do not have to be a member of Costume Con 6 to enter this contest. If you can’t make it to San Jose, send a doll as a surrogate costumer. You may send your doll with friends, or ship it to Costume Con 6 care of the con address. Please include sufficient postage for the convention to return the doll to you. Costume Con 6 cannot be responsible for any damage while shipping; you might wish to insure your dolls if you are mailing them.

Set-up will be in the Exhibit area on Friday night (February 12) or Saturday morning (February 13). Upon your arrival at the convention, please bring your entries to this area as soon as possible. Security will be provided, but ff you’re really nervous about your “babies,” it is allowable to bring a display case. All dolls should be accompanied by a 3×5 card stating the entry name, the maker’s name and address, and any special features. Additional documentation may also be supplied if necessary.

Judging will lake place on Sunday, February 14, 1988. The winners will be announced during the Historical masquerade on Sunday evening. We hope to have some sponsored cash prizes. Details will be announced at a later time.

For additional information, write Animal X, Doll Contest Coordinator (Address removed).

Good luck to all of you, and thanks for helping to make the Doll Contest a continuing feature of Costume Con!

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