Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Future Fashion Folio Design Contest Gallery and Rules

CC18-OFFS-FS-01: Butterfly Hunters

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CC18-OFFS-FS-01: Butterfly Hunters | Category: Future Fashion | Designer(s): Sharon Trembley and Dave Cooper | Maker(s): Sharon Trembley and Madelaine Trembley | Presenter(s): Madelaine Trembley | Presentation Award(s): Go Get 'Em Award. Received: Kabuki Paper Dolls, donated by Poison Pen Press (Photo ID: Ken Warren | Event Date: 2000)

Competition Staff & Rules


  • Future Fashion Folio: Sharon Sbarsky, Rae Bradbury-Enslin and Craig Enslin
  • Future Fashion Show Director(s): Rae Bradbury-Enslin
  • Master of Ceremonies: Tony Lewis
  • Future Fashion Show, Single Pattern Contest, Bathing Beauty and Beefcake Contest Judges: Richard Hill, Laurel Cunningham-Hill and Suford Lewis
  • Folio Judges: Sharon Sbarsky, Suford Lewis, Rae Bradbury-Enslin
  • Folio Slide Handling: Hans Kernast


The “Dimensions In Design” Future Fashion Folio is your opportunity to design clothing as you think it could (or should) appear in the future. Imagine clothing from the future of Earth, or of some other world we may encounter. Designs may be costumes or clothing for men, women, children, animals, aliens. Create freely for all shapes and sizes.

Some categories from previous Future Fashion Folios: Work clothes, casual clothes, sportswear, uniforms, performance costumes, lingerie, bridal wear, maternity wear, ceremonial outfits, religious costumes, accessories. These are only suggestions, and you are by no means limited to them. If your idea doesn’t fit, make up a new category!

All winners will be printed in the CC18 Fashion Folio, which will be distributed to all CC 18 members. Some of the winners will be displayed at the Fashion Show, which will take place at the convention.

Contest Rules:

1. All designs must be original ideas. A design may be drawn on a traced figure but it must still be an original concept. Please give credit if someone helps you with a drawing. Figure drawings for you to trace are available; just send a SASE to the Folio address and we’ll provide you with figures. (If you own, or have access to, The Whole Costumer’s Catalog, “basic” figures can be found in the back.)

2. Each design should be in black ink on an 8.5″x 11″ sheet of white paper. Pencil does not reproduce well and the folio will not be printed in color. You may include details or other views of the design on another sheet of paper. If you wish to send a color piece, make sure you also include the black and white version.

3. On the back of each design, please include:
(a) Your name and address
(b) Your age if 12 or less
(c) If you are a first time designer
(d) The number of that design and the total number of designs submitted (#1 of 3, #2 of 3, etc.) If there are multiple pages for one design, label them #lA of 3, #lB of 3, and so on.
(e) Suggested category the design fits into. You can make it up, if necessary. If you aren’t sure, we can choose a category for you. We reserve the right for the judges to change categories as they see fit.

4. Please include a title and a written description for each entry. Descriptions can include: background info on the outfit’s wearer, culture, design details, inspirations, as well as suggested colors and fabrics. Any details you want people to know.

5. Art will not be returned. Don’t send originals unless you absolutely do not need the piece back. Photocopies will be MORE than fine.

6. All rights to designs submitted to this contest will remain the property of the designer but, by submitting a design, you agree to its publication in the Fashion Folio, its exhibit at CCI8, and its reproduction for the fashion show.

7. Designers have first option on making up their designs for the Fashion Show. If you have a preference, please let us know when you submit your entries. We will indicate in the Folio which designs are already reserved.

8. This contest is open to all interested parties. You don’t need to be a member of CC18 to enter designs or to be published in the Folio. You must, however, be a member to attend or participate in the Fashion Show.

9. You may enter as often, and as many designs as you wish, but all submissions MUST be POSTMARKED by October 31, 1999. This deadline is necessary to insure that the Folio may be published in a timely manner to enable some of the more elaborate entries enough time to be chosen and built. It will not be extended for any reason.

10. If sending from outside the U.S., please make sure you have a customs declaration sticker on your submission. (List as amateur drawings/no value.)

11. Designs may be submitted via e-mail (address below). We accept PICT, GIF, TIFF, or JPEG files. (Color images will be printed in greyscale for judging purposes. Electronic submissions must satisfy the other general submission criteria (e.g., the name and physical mailing address of the entrant must be included in the accompanying message). Mailing address: (Address Removed)

Special Category: Futuristic Historic

Imagine that the major cities of Earth have succumbed to pollution and the only viable governments remaining are those set up by the various historical reenactment groups. SCA, Civil War, Revolutionary War, you name it they’re the only ones left with a clue about how to govern large numbers of people. Needless to say their somewhat unusual mode of dress would have some impact on the remainders of society. BUT, in this society, the Period Police don’t hold sway.

This category is specifically geared toward futuristic interpretations of historical designs. They can either be inspired by historical elements or be detailed copies with a twist. Imagine that Tudor gown made out of, say, fiberglass and sequins. (EEEK!)

Unfold your imagination and PLEASE have a good time.

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