Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Publications

Costume-Con 18 (CC18): Publications

Progress Report 1, Progress Report 2, Progress Report 3, Program Book

Progress Report 1 (20 pages):

  • Membership Rates, Publication Dates, Service Mark Statement
  • Art Credits
  • Welcome to Costume-Con 18
  • “Dimensions in Design” Future Fashion Folio Rules
  • Single Pattern Contest
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade
  • CC18 Dealers Room
  • Historical Masquerade
  • Video Masquerade
  • Friday Night Social
  • Exhibits
  • Volunteers Needed!
  • Advertising Rates
  • Membership List

Progress Report 2 (16 pages):

  • Membership Rates, Publication Dates, Service Mark Statement
  • Art Credits
  • Welcome to Costume-Con 18, Take 2
  • Table of Contents
  • New Stuff: Hotel Information, Doll/Carousel Creatures Contest
  • More Stuff from P.R. #1:
  • Friday Night Social “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court”
  • Future Fashion Folio and Show
  • Bathing Beauty / Bathing Beefcake (Swimsuit) Contest
  • Single Pattern Contest
  • Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade
  • Historical Masquerade
  • Vintage Dance (Workshops and Activities)
  • Costumed Photo Opportunity at Bushnell Park Carousel
  • Calling All V-I-P-Ps!! (Very Important Program Participants)
  • Video Masquerade Competition
  • Volunteers Needed!
  • Dealers Room
  • Exhibits
  • Committee List
  • Membership List
  • Advertising Rates
  • Memberships (ConStitution Note)

Progress Report 3 (16 pages and one full-size blow-in):

  • Membership Rates, Publication Dates, Service Mark Statement
  • Art Credits
  • Welcome to Costume-Con 18, Take 2
  • Table of Contents
  • Hotel Information (Travel to the Hotel)
  • Registration
  • Programming
  • Workshop Sign Up
  • Costumed Photo Opportunity at Bushnell Park Carousel
  • “Dimensions in Design” Future Fashion Folio
  • We’re Sorry But… (Retraction of Whole Costumer’s Catalogue)
  • Stage and Tech Information
  • Stage Diagram
  • Vintage Dance
  • Exhibits
  • Con Suite
  • Volunteers Needed!
  • Memberships (ConStitution Note)
  • Membership List
  • Committee/Staff List
  • Blow in: All workshops to be offered (tentative)
  • Paid Advertising

Program Book (48 pages, 8.5″ x 11″ Cardstock saddle-staple bound):

  • Table of Contents
  • Service Mark Statement
  • Art Credits
  • Welcome Message
  • General Information
  • Conference Guidelines / Code of Conduct
  • Acknowledgements, Corporate Sponsors, Donations
  • Major Events (Friday Night Social and Grand Ball, Once and Future Fashion Show, Single Pattern Contest, Historical Masquerade, Stage and Tech Information, Stage Diagram, Science Fiction and Fantasy Masquerade)
  • Vintage Dance
  • Bushnell Carousel Photo Op
  • Exhibits and Dealers Room (Dealers, Costume Exhibit, Costume-Con 21 Bid Tables and Voting, Doll Costumes and Carousel Creatures Contest)
  • Video Masquerade
  • Our Program (Panels, Workshops, Presentations and Demonstrations)
  • International Costumers’ Guild Local Chapters list
  • Program Participants
  • Committee and Staff
  • Pre-Registered Members
  • Regarding the Whole Costumer’s Catalog[ue]
  • Costume-Con ConStitution
  • Where Do I Find The…?
  • Hotel Floor Plan
  • Paid Advertising (with list of advertisers)

Other publications in the Archives: Newsletters (The Brass Ring, Issues 1-4), Costume-Con 18 Memory Book (12 pages, 8.5″ x 11″ glossy paper, saddle stapled).

  • Welcome to the Costume-Con 18 Memory Book
  • Dedication to Robert Sacks‡
  • Assortment of photos from events throughout the weekend, including socials, dance track, dolls, exhibits and more.
  • Credits: (Co-Designers: Craig Enslin and Rae Enslin; Contributing Illustrator: Sandra Snow; Co-Coordinators: Skip Morris, Jill Eastlake; Contributing Photographers: Ken Warren, Lisa Ashton, Greg Bradt, Harvey Rubinovitz, Steward Hartman, Ming Diaz)
  • Costume-Con 18 Committee and Staff (complete list elsewhere)

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