Costume-Con 2 (CC02): Program & Participants

Costume-Con 2 (CC02): Program & Participants

Schedule for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

Friday Program Schedule:

  • Thrift Shop Costuming: Jodi Woodard, Nancy Kozeluh
  • Why Do I Look Yucky in Purple? (finding your best colors, both in costuming and everyday wear): Bjo Trimble
  • Wings and Giant Capes: Kathy Sanders, Brian Mix
  • Devastating Glamour for the Middle-aged and Not So Svelte: Julian May‡, Bjo Trimble, Adrienne Martine-Barnes‡
  • So You Want to be a Superhero (bodysuit construction): Nathalia Quirk‡, Rita Terrel
  • Future Clothing (Wild-Eyed discussion from some science fiction writers): Adrienne Martine-Barnes, Greg Bear, William Rotsler‡
  • Makeup Techniques: Fran Evans, Alison Dayne Frankel, Julian May‡
  • Renaissance Clothing: Janet Winter, Adrian Butterfield‡, Carolyn Schultz, Mela Hoyt-Hayden
  • Pattern Alterations: Pati Cook
  • An Electrifying Experience ( How to light up the night without getting fried, and other nifty things): Jamie Hanrahan‡, Brian Mix
  • The Regency Era (Clothing and Culture): John Hertz, Patrick Kennedy‡, Adrian Butterfield‡, Mary Jane Hertz, Mela Hoyt-Hayden
  • LACon Masquerade Q & A: Drew Sanders

Saturday Program Schedule:

  • Odd Tools and Techniques (from glue gun to vacu-form): Brian Mix, Michael Davis, Fran Evans
  • Getting It All Together (how to organize a large costume group and still speak to each other afterward: Barb Schofield, Kevin Roche, Will Bonner and Rosemary Bonner
  • Monster Suits: Fran Evans / Foam Sculpture: Kathy Sanders / Fuzzy Faces (Alien/Animal Mask Making): Ben Camacho
  • Q & A and Workshop on Above Three Panels: Fran Evans, Kathy Sanders, Ben Camacho
  • The Big Picture (large scale costumes and presentations): Philip Mercier, Kathy Sanders, Barb Scofield
  • Flirting Seminar: William Rotsler‡
  • Historical Accessorizing: Rosemary Bonner
  • Tiny Booties (Dollmaking display and demonstration): Adrienne Martine-Barnes‡
  • Speaking of Unmentionables (Historical underwear from the corset in – includes Renaissance Corset Workshop): Rosemary Bonner, Adrian Butterfield‡, Victoria Ridenour
  • Rhinestone Cowboys and Spacewomen (How to find and use the little sparklers in costumes): Julian May‡, Barb Schofield, Karen Kuykendall‡
  • The Victorian Era (Clothing and Culture): Janet Winter, Adrian Butterfield‡, Carolyn Schultz, Mela Hoyt-Hayden
  • The Care and Feeding of Wigs: Julian May‡, Jodi Woodard
  • The Gentle Art of the Master of Ceremonies: Patrick Kennedy‡, Marty Gear‡, John Trimble, Will Bonner
  • The Division System (Is it working?): Kevin Roche, Bio Trimble
  • The Once and Future Masquerade (is the concept good, or does it need rethinking?) Discussion led by: John Hertz
  • Arachne’s Web (Lacemaking demonstration and historical survey): Jan Lockett, Alice Massoglia
  • Photographing Your Costume : Steve Jacobson, David Clark
  • Basic Airbrushing on Fabric: Rick Sternbach

Sunday Program Schedule:

  • Custom Patterns (Draping Method): Adrian Butterfield‡, Victoria Ridenour
  • Historical Recreation Groups (What are they?): Will Bonner (Bye-Gone Eras), John Hertz (Friends of the English Regency), John Trimble (SCA), Aurelie Bradley (Queen’s Shilling and others)
  • Special Events (How to Plan a Dinner, Tea, or Dance, and not live to regret it): John Hertz, Rosemary Bonner, Shelley Monson
  • Leatherworking (and Vinyl, too!): Dawn Jacobson, Adrian Butterfield‡
  • Silly Hats (historical survey and construction thereof:): Adrian Butterfield‡, Victoria Ridenour, Rosemary Bonner
  • Out of the Closet (Historic fashion reconstruction and repair techniques): Kate Wadey, Rosemary Bonner
  • How to be a Traveling Circus (packing tips for getting your costume to the convention in one piece): Philip Mercier, Barb Schofield
  • Billions and Billions of Beads (beading display and demonstration): Adrienne Martine-Barnes‡
  • Papier Mache Lesson/Demonstration (Headresses and Jewelry): Karen Kuykendall‡
  • The Winners Tell All (Winners of the Science Fiction Masquerade who wish to participate will explain their sources and inspirations, and describe how they made their costumes)
  • On Running Masquerades in General: Drew Sanders, Marty Gear‡, Brian Mix, John Trimble, Lora Trimble

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