Costume-Con 2 (CC02): Publications

Costume-Con 2 (CC02): Publications

Progress Report 1, Progress Report 2 (missing), Progress Report 3, and Program Book

Progress Report 1 (16 pages):

  • General Information (Memberships – Attending, Supporting and Dealer)
  • Publications schedule and ad rates
  • Our Committee
  • Welcome to PR1
  • Last Year (What we learned…)
  • Programming (White Elephant Sale/Swap, The Impromptu Costume Contest, Panels, Dealers’ Room, Exhibit Room, Friday Social), Fantasy and Science Fiction Masquerade, Regency Dancing, Fashion Show, Historical Costume Ball
  • About Our Hotel
  • Fashion Design Contest Rules
  • T-Shirt Art Design Contest
  • Combined Rules for Science Fiction and Historical Masquerades
  • The Future of Costume-Con (Timeline)
  • Artist Credits

Progress Report 2 (Unknown. Not in collection.)

Progress Report 3 (16 pages):

  • General Information (Memberships – Attending, Supporting and Dealer)
  • Publications schedule and ad rates
  • Our Committee
  • Last Minute Questions
  • About Our Hotel
  • You Can So Get Here From There (local map)
  • Programming (Panel highlights, White Elephant Sale/Swap)
  • Combined Rules for Science Fiction and Historical Masquerades
  • Fashion Design Contest Errata
  • The Whole Costumer’s Catalogue Update
  • What To Bring
  • Security Info
  • Members (to date)
  • Artist Credits, Advertising

Program Book (25 pages):

  • Costume-Con #, Dates, Hotel, City and State
  • Our Committee
  • From Our Chairman
  • How to Succeed at Failure (by Donna M. Rhodes)
  • Combined Rules for Science Fiction and Historical Masquerades
  • Schedule (hour by hour)
  • Program (by day, by room)
  • Panelists (Bios)
  • Members (to date)
  • Artist Credits, Advertising

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