Costume-Con 40 (CC40): Publications

Costume-Con 40 (CC40): Publications

Progress Report 1, Program Book, Program Schedule Grid (Friday-Sunday)

Progress Report 1 (12 pages plus full size blow-in):

  • Greetings
  • Hotel Information
  • Competitions
  • Programming, Workshops, and More
  • Exhibits
  • Pandemic Expectations & Adjustments
  • General Schedule of Events
  • Our Rogue’s Gallery (So Far)
  • Membership
  • Become a Vendor or Sponsor
  • Our Mission
  • About the Greater Columbia Fantasy Costumers’ Guild, Inc. (GCFCG)

No other Progress Reports were published.

Program Book (19 pages, 8.5″ x 11″ staple bound, standard paper, color printed):

  • Cover
  • Judges’ Biographies
  • Hotel Map
  • Programming: Panel Descriptions (most participants missing)
  • Seven pages of ads
  • Blank back cover

Costume-Con 40 Main Events (and Panels) Schedule (printed separately).

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