Costume-Con 38 (CC38): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

Costume-Con 38 (CC38): Single Pattern Competition Gallery and Rules

CC38-SP-01a: The Modern Outlander (Video Entry)

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CC38-SP-01a: The Modern Outlander (Video Entry) | Category: McCalls 7736 | Designed By: Mary Ellen Duff | Made by: Mary Ellen Duff | Presented by: Mary Ellen Duff | Award(s): Most Faithful to Source (Photo ID: Rare Recorded Video | Event Date: 2022)

Competition Staff & Rules


NOTE: The CC40 Single Pattern entries were presented on Sunday Morning along with the CC40 Future Fashion Show. Photos and awards of the entries shown at CC40 appear on the CC40 Single Pattern Competition Page.

Entries and Awards:

CC38-SP-01: The Modern Outlander (Video Entry)
Category: McCalls 7736 | Designed By: Mary Ellen Duff | Made by: Mary Ellen Duff | Presented by: Mary Ellen Duff | Award(s): Most Faithful to Source (Photo ID: Rare Recorded Video | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-02: 50 Shades of Greeeeen (Behind the Emerald Curtain)
Category: McCalls 7271 | Designed By: Mary Parulski | Made by: Mary Parulski | Presented by: Mary Parulski (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-03: Tairothian Military Uniform
Category: McCalls 7736 | Designed By: Andrea Lewis | Made by: Andrea Lewis | Presented by: Andrea Lewis | Award(s): Best Handwork (Braid) (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-04: Bubble Wrap Gown
Category: McCalls 7271 | Designed By: Rebecca Rowan | Made by: Rebecca Rowan | Presented by: Rebecca Rowan (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-05: Red Dragon
Category: McCalls 7271 | Designed By: Karen Siemens | Made by: Karen Siemens, Mask by David Hecht (SP) | Presented by: Karen Siemens | Award(s): Best in Show (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-06: Untitled – Inspired by the Changing Seasons
Category: McCalls 7368 | Designed By: Kelly Blackler | Made by: Kelly Blackler | Presented by: Kelly Blackler (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-07: Fairy Goth-mother Riding Habit
Category: McCalls 7271 | Designed By: Nora Mai | Made by: Nora Mai | Presented by: Nora Mai (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-08: My Friends are Crazy
Category: McCalls 7368 | Designed By: Sharon Bass | Made by: Sharon Bass | Presented by: Sharon Bass | Award(s): Honorable Mention, Needlework (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-09: Dragon Lord
Category: McCalls 7736 | Designed By: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Made by: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Presented by: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. | Award(s): Best in Pattern (McCalls 7736) (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-10: Fairy God Mother of the Sea
Category: McCalls 7271 | Designed By: Angel Avery-Wright | Made by: Angel Avery-Wright | Presented by: Angel Avery-Wright | Award(s): Honorable Mention for Marine Life Details (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-11: Vive la Revolution
Category: McCalls 7736 | Designed By: Jennifer Old-d’Entremont | Made by: Jennifer Old-d’Entremont | Presented by: Kristen Moffitt | Award(s): Historical Adaptation (Photo ID: Rare Recorded Video | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-12: Fantome Historique
Category: McCalls 7271 | Designed By: Carrie Clifton | Made by: Carrie Clifton | Presented by: Carrie Clifton (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-13: Reef
Category: McCalls 7368 | Designed By: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Made by: Pierre E. Pettinger, Jr. and Sandy Pettinger | Presented by: Sandy Pettinger | Award(s): Best in Pattern (McCalls 7368) (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-14: Black Butterfly: The Elegance of the Darkness
Category: McCalls 7271 | Designed By: Sandra Bussière / La Corsetière | Made by: Sandra Bussière / La Corsetière | Presented by: Sandra Bussière / La Corsetière | Award(s): Most Beautiful (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-15: Mother Gaia, a Birth of Spring
Category: McCalls 7368 | Designed By: Anastasia Holt | Made by: Anastasia Holt | Presented by: Anastasia Holt | Award(s): Award for Execution of a Quick Change Ensemble (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)

CC38-SP-16: Gown of Thrones
Category: McCalls 7271 | Designed By: Jacqueline M. Ward | Made by: Jacqueline M. Ward | Presented by: Jacqueline M. Ward | Award(s): Best in Pattern (McCalls 7271) (Photo ID: DC Cosplay Photo Shoots | Event Date: 2022)


Single Pattern Contest

Here are the chosen patterns for the Single Pattern Contest.

The data collection form can be found here (available at noon): [Removed]

Welcome to the Single Pattern contest! This contest provides entrants with a small selection of commercial patterns to construct and put their own spin on the finished product. You can use unconventional materials but follow the pattern exactly, or get creative with your modifications and push the limits of your pattern choice.

For this competition, you will take one of the three patterns that we have set for this competition and make it. The patterns listed are to be used as a starting point for creating an outfit. Participants may stay close to the original pattern, or alter it dramatically, but the final product must be recognizable as being made from one of the patterns.

Novice sewers, this is the perfect opportunity to get your feet wet with constructing a costume or being on stage for the first time! Sew it together, glue it together, just have fun!

Presentations for the Single Pattern are in the format of walk-ons ( go on stage, strike a pose and walk out as the next contestant enters the stage). No skit will be allowed and there is no tech rehearsal for this competition. Entrants will walk in front of the judges in a separate room for workmanship, then present on stage. After that, participants are invited to join in the Friday night social.

Participants must be registered members of the current Costume-Con (CC38) to enter or model garments in this contest. Participants may make and enter more than one garment, but an individual should plan on appearing in front of the judges only once (If you recruit some models, you will present the costumes at the judge all at the same time).

Patterns: All of our patterns are on theme to match the convention in some way or another, but please do not feel limited by that. Use your imagination and be creative! All of these patterns come in a wide variety of sizes and are made for all skill levels.

There will be 2 competition categories:

Adaptation – The garment can be modified with fabrics, alterations of style, fit, fabric manipulation, etc. The finished product must be recognizable as the pattern. Participants may modify, embellish, and ornament the garment in any way they choose, but it should retain its fundamental shape and form when it is compared to the pattern illustration(s).
Transformation – Try your hand at adapting your pattern into a completely different garment. Judging will be based on the ability to recognize the pattern pieces used – at least 75% must be incorporated.

Participants can use one or all of the chosen patterns in their creation.

The rules:

  • Make as many garments as you want, but you will only appear once on stage. You may, however, recruit models for any others you make.
  • If you wish to combine any of the Single Pattern garments into a “look”, or style, you can model them in layers.
  • Mixing and matching those patterns is permissible, but you will need to be able to explain the construction to the judges. Documentation of that construction would be a very good idea.
  • Judging will take place on Friday afternoon – exact time TBA as the convention date draws closer and updates will be posted to all social media platforms.

For any questions please contact the director at: [Removed]

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